
'NextL and NextT use horrible method to parse text:
'insted to move cursor they cut text each time.

sub stoper(s)
    stope t & vh & "... short-ml error message ... " & vh & s
end sub

' fuctions for language file compilation  

' Parsing subroutines
' Method is ugly: parsed text variable (called "short" here)
' cut each time. No sliding pointer.

' takes word limited by < .33 chars
' result may be empty
' does not move along parsing file `short`
function ThisT 	' just take current tocken, maybe empty
         dim i
         l = len(short)
         for i=1 to l
             if asc(mid(short,i,1)) < 33 then exit for
         ThisT = left(short, i-1)
end function

' skips current tocken (=ThisT, which may be empty )
' goes to next tocken  (>32) or lf  				  
' takes next tocken or "" if nothing met before lf		  
' stops at this taken tocken					  	
' never goes beyond lf						  
function NextT 
        dim ll, w, i, wi
        NextT = ThisT
        ll = len(NextT)
        short = mid(short, ll+1 ) 
        for ll = 1 to l
            w = asc(mid(short, ll, 1))
            if w > 32 or w = 10 then exit for
        'Clean_div    ttt...nnn
	'			    lf
 	'                   ll
        '             lf
        short = mid(short, ll )

     	   	wi = instr(short, vblf)
        	if wi = 0 then wi = len(short) + 1
	        saved_the_rest_of_line = left(short,wi-1)
        	saved_the_rest_of_line = replace(saved_the_rest_of_line, vbcr,"")

        NextT = ThisT
end function

' lines
function ThisL
      dim i, ii
      i = instr(short, vblf)
      if i > 1 and instr(short, i-1) = vbcr then i = i - 1
      ThisL = left(short, i)
end function
' skipping current line, taking following line
function NextL
    short = mid( short, instr(short, vblf)+1 )
    NextL = ThisL
end function

'   goes to next block which can be 
'   rigth on the  next line;
function NextB
    do until ThisT <> "" 
    NextB = ThisL
end function

' fuctions for source file compilation  '
' find and return index of element or belonging (scope):
' with name s:
' returns 0 if not found.
function get_i(s)
     dim i
     i = 0
     for i=1 to enumb
       if s = element(i) then get_i = i
end function

'find index of element based on
'shortcut-character=c and currrent-scope=pcurrent:
sub get_i_el(c)
  dim i
  c_control = lcase(c)
  i = asc(c_control)
  if i > 127 then stoper _
     "control `" &  c & "` asc > 127 ... "
  i_next_el = tar(i,pcurrent) 
  if i_next_el = 0 then
     i_next_el = tar(i,icommon) 
     if i_next_el > 0 then 
        if deb then printl _
           "found in common state ..."        
     end if
  end if
  e_next_el = element(i_next_el)
  if i_next_el > 0 then 
     if deb then printl " `" & e_next_el & _
        "' found in common state ..."        
  end if
end sub 

'DESC find element parameter index.
'programmed ugly: variable i is global and
'is source text cursor
function get_i_sub_el(ll,c)
dim k,j,s
get_i_sub_el = 0
if ll < 1 or ll > enumb then _
   exit function  
'search index k by cycling
'via all element parameters:
'may be slow:
for k = 1 to tlim
    s = sub_el_cut(ll,k)
    'first empty paramenter name
    'terminates search:
    if s = "" then exit for
    'Why not to make this simple:
    'instr(i,source, s) = i
    if c = left(s,1) then
         if len(s) = 1 then
             get_i_sub_el = k
             exit function
             if instr(i,source, s) = i then   
                ' great, long element found
                get_i_sub_el = k		
                exit function
             end if
         end if
    end if
end function

' make indenting string according nesting level
sub makei(d)
    dim i
    if IndentFlag = "" then exit sub
    indents = IndentFlag 
    if d > 7 then 
	indents = indents & chr(9) & space(d-7)	' make more tabs here ...
        indents = indents & space(d+1)
    end if
end sub

' make indenting string and insert it
sub indent(d)
       if IndentFlag = "" then exit sub
       if indented then exit sub 
       'if deb then printl "now indenting with = " & d  
       t = t & indents
       indented = true
end sub

sub add(s)
     t = t & s
     indented = false
end sub

sub addi(s)	'to indent text which starts from new line
   if IndentFlag <> "" then 
      s = replace (s, vbcr, "")
      s = replace (s, vblf, indents)
   end if
   t = t & s
   indented = false
end sub

sub open_e	'opening element or tag of element;
                'considering abbr. as element and
                'putting it;

if not tagable(i_next_el) then
         'NOT TAGABLE
         '- - - - - - - - - - - -
         if abbr(i_next_el) then  
            add e_next_el  
            if foreign(i_next_el) or extended(i_next_el) then indent d
		add "<" & e_next_el 
            if not halftag(i_next_el) then add ">"
         end if
         if extended(i_next_el) then  		' extended
             d = d + 1
             p(d) = i_next_el 
             'pscut - perhaps "past shortcut":
             pscut(d) = c_control
             if mark(p(d)) then add "<!+" & d & "+>"
         end if

else      ' TAGABLE: 
          '- - - - - - - - - - - -
          'if deb then printl " now must indent title ..."
          if extended(i_next_el) then indent  d	
          'ultimate indent may creates extra empty lines;
          add "<" & e_next_el 
          'setup sub-state:-------------
          d = d + 1
          p(d) = get_i(ucase(e_next_el)) 
          'perhaps memorize char, which
          'triggered to this element:
          pscut(d) = c_control
          tag_state = true
          'always allow to accept tagelements 
          'shortcuts from the beginning of tag:
          no_more_scuts = false
 end if
 end sub

' tags which not need string input  
' to extend a tag this is enough to decrease its case
' if it is not extendable, it will simply be closed ...
sub extend_e                                         ' extend tag
     dim wi
     add ">"
     tag_state = false
     if extended(ilowcurr) then
        p(d) = ilowcurr                              ' just decrease the case to change the state ...
        if mark(p(d)) then add "<!+" & d & "+>"      ' indent d
                                                     ' not extended elements do not imply indenting ...
        if ilowcurr = ibody then _
           html_header_sent = true                   ' to make debug nice
                                                     ' but may not optimal
        d = d - 1                                    ' not extendable must just disappear 
                                                     ' from levels ... 
        makei d
     end if
end sub

' closing state and decreasing level  
sub close_e        		' terminating tag
     'if deb then printl " indenting with less on 1 than d=" & d & "  indented= " & indented
     ' SelfNamedFlag is a variable with tree possible values:
     ' "", SelfNamed, and SelfClosed:
     if SelfNamedFlag <> SelfNamed and SelfNamedFlag <> SelfClosed _
        then indent (d-1)
     'if deb then printl " now adding after indenting closing element = " & elemcur 

     'graphics part -------------------
     if SelfNamedFlag <> SelfNamed then 
        'for self-named this is already done: 
        if not_halfcurr then add "</"
        add elemcur & ">"
     end if
     'graphics part end ---------------

     if mark(p(d)) then add "<!-" & d & "->"
     d = d - 1
     makei d
end sub

sub test_d_low_limit()
    if element(p(d)) = "#start" then   stoper _
       "shortml error: cannot close element when `html` is closed ... " 
end sub

' functions for getting extra chars from the front ...
function get_next()
   i= i + 1 
   if i>TLen then 
      stoper "getting next char ... i=" & i & " length of text=" _
         & Tlen & ve & _
         "error: end of file in the middle of compilation: <br> " & _
         "possibly unclosed text string or missing read " & _
         "termination condition ... " 
      get_next = mid(source,i,1)
   end if
end function

function fill_numbers
do while i <= Tlen
   i= i + 1 
   if i>TLen then 
      stoper "error: end of file in the middle of compilation: <br> " _
             & "tableState=" & tableState & "  rowState=" & _
             rowState & "  text=" & right(source,TLen)     
      c = mid(source,i,1)
      select case c
             case "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"
                   t = t & c
             case else 
                  i = i - 1
                  exit function
      end select
   end if

end function

function isNeutral(c)
  if c = vbcr or c = vblf or c = " " or c=chr(9) then _
     isNeutral = true else isNeutral = false
end function