'                                         parse_s_ml_header

sub compile_schema(sml_schema_f)

dim short3                             'need to mark end of parcuts poor programming: 
                                       'no need for so many pieces of schema text
dim wwwtemp1,wwwtemp2,wwwtempi         '=== ugly programming, get rid
dim j,k, s, ws, wss, wi, wii
dim EndPos                             'to parse long-shortcuts denoting multiline 

this_version ="2"   'SET VERSION

'define accessible variables:
path_info = request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO")
wi = instrrev(path_info, "/")
if wi <> 0 then
   this_page = mid(path_info,wi+1)
   this_page = path_info
end if 

for j = 0 to elim
    for k = 0 to tlim
      sub_el_cut(j,k)    = ""        'parameter shortcut = parcut = ""
    for k = 0 to 127
      tar(k,j)=0                     'prepare target elements 
                                     'called by control k in scope j

'variable "short" is a schema itself:
'"what an ugly programming..."
short = read_file ( sml_schema_f )
short = short & ve & ve

've & ve is required
'comments may be put before this line
'comments can be empty;
i = instr(short, ve & ve )
short = mid(short, i)

NextB 'skips this line and 
      'will and must be pointed precisely 
      'to \\short-ml 
      'or to next block.
'set_debug  'very good statement. recommended.

'this ugly parse ... returns beginnig of schema:
short = mid(short,parse_s_ml_header(1,short,true))

element(0) = 0
for i = 1 to elim         ' LOOP VIA    S T A T E S   L I S T 
  NextL                      'the first line is always skipped
                             'so can have a comment.
  s = ThisT
  'empty line terminates first block:
  if s = "" then  exit for

  do while left(s,1) = "'"
     if s = "" then  exit for

    'parse CONSTRUCT_
    if right(s,1) = "_" then 
       extended(i) = true
       s = left(s,len(s)-1)
       extended(i) = false
    end if

    'Upper case means tagable=true: 
    if lcase(s) <> s then  
       tagable(i) = true 
       tagable(i) = false
    end if
    s = lcase(s)

    'fill out list of elements:
    element(i) = s

    'ws        = "some"  
    foreign(i) = false
    halftag(i) = false
    abbr(i)    = false  

    'true means that in result text
    'will be a comment <!nest_level> for
    'nest level in subelements tree.
    mark(i) = false 

    if left(s,1) = SML_E_key  then      'SML_E_key=="^"== 
    '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
          element(i) = SML_E_key        'desing drawback;
          SML_E_long(i) = true
          SML_E_i = SML_E_i  + 1
          if SML_E_i > SML_E_m then stope "no space for long shortcuts"
          'stack long_shortcut:
          SML_E_scut(SML_E_i) = s

          ws = NextT 
          if left(ws,1) = """" then
             'this is not a second token. 
             'This is a multiline text.
             SML_E_value(SML_E_i) = CutQuotedString( _
                      1, _
                      short, _
                      """", true, true, true, EndPos)

                    '  StartSearchPos, SourceS, Mark, _
                    '  RecognizeDoubleQuouters, _
                    '  ReduceDoubleQuoters, StripQMarks, EndPos)
             short = mid(short,EndPos)
           else  'take saved_the_rest_of_line
             SML_E_value(SML_E_i) = saved_the_rest_of_line	
             wi = instr(short, vl)
             if wi = 0 then wi = len(short) + 1
             short = mid(short,wi)	'to simulate end-of-line parsing;
           end if
  else       '==case not long_shotrcut_control
  '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    SML_E_long(i) = false
    ws    = NextT 'take second token from line

    do while ws <> "" and left(ws,1) <> "'"
                      'parse rest of line 
                      'starting from second token;
                      'comment terminates parsing; 
       if ws = "m" then mark(i)    = true 	
       ' tells translator to mark nesting level in comment 
       if ws = "a" then abbr(i)    = true 
       if ws = "foreign" then  foreign(i) = true 
       if ws = "halftag" then halftag(i) = true 
       ws = NextT  
    if deb then printl "state " & i & " is " & _
       element(i) & vt & " extended=" & extended(i) & vt _
       & "tagable=" & tagable(i) & vt & " mark=`" & _
       mark(i) & "`" & vt & _
       " foreign=" & foreign(i) & vt & " halftag=" & _
       halftag(i) & vt & " abbrev=" & abbr(i)
    end if 'long_shotrcut_control  
  'ef line parsing

'copy (why?) number of long shortcuts:

'adding real tags=brothers-elements ''''''''''''''''''
'copy tagable elements with
'changing from low-case-element-name to
j = i
for k=1 to i-1
    if tagable(k) then
       'raise the case of element:
       element(j) = Ucase(element(k))        ' add brothers-elements with upper case (tags)
       extended(j) = extended(k)             ' keep property of parent element
       if deb then printl " state " & j & " is " & element(j)
       if j >= elim then stope "elements quantity exceeds limit =" & elim
       j = j + 1
    end if
enumb = j - 1    '-minus one.
' end adding real tags ''''''''''''''''''

' make the rest element empty  ''''''''''''''''''
for k=j to enumb
    element(k) = ""
' ef       S T A T E S   L I S T

'find state indices:

icommon  = get_i("#common")
iistart  = get_i("#start")
ibody    = get_i("body")

  '''''''' ELEMENT NOT LONG SHORTCUTS '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
  ' shortcuts for elements/states
  ' NextB stands for Next Block
  NextB : if deb then printl vbcrlf & ThisL 
    if  ThisT = "" then exit do                 ' seems empty string terminates this block;
    ws  = ThisT		    		      	' this is a control char; no, now all shortcut;
    wii = get_i(lcase(NextT))                   ' scope
    wi  = get_i(lcase(NextT))                   ' index of shortcut(ted) element 
    if wi = 0 or wii = 0 then    
       stope "script needs work: element or " & _
             "scope in string (" & i & ") `" & _
             ThisL & "` is not found"
    end if

    k = asc(left(ws,1))                         ' SML_E: now, it can be longer than one ...

    if k > 127 then stope "shortcut control char code > 127 ... "
    tar(k,wii) = wi                             ' tar(control, scope) = target

    any_scut(wi) = ws

    if deb then printl "Element `" & element(wi) & "` " & vt &  " has a shortcut `" & chr(k) & "`" & vt &  " in scope `" & element(wii) & "` "

'''''''' END ELEMENT SHORTCUTS '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

' format of line: parcut value type child;
'                 comma separates skipped token.
do '=1 taggroups loop 		
   NextB        : if deb then printl vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _
                  "next block (taggroup-tagcuts) is starting ... "
   NextL  	' this line must be a header start

   do while ThisT <> ""                '=2 elements in header loop
                                       'header can have many elements
                                       'for each element the same parcuts must be set.
      s = ThisT                        ' must be current element in the header list
      j=get_i(s)                       ' j is element (actually index)
      if j=0 then _
         stope "index of element `" & s & _
           "` shortcut is not found; this " & _
           "shortcut may not listed above in schema ... "

      short2 = short                   ' memorize source from the current element 
                                       ' in the header list. 

      i = instr(short, "\\tagcuts") '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 
                                       'find parcuts (= shortcuts for parameters of the element);
      short = mid(short,i)             'get closer to parcuts;
      NextL                            'next line gives the first parcut;

      if deb then printl ve & _
         "element(" & j &  ")=" & _
          element(j) & "; about to add partcuts to it ... "
         'assign tagcuts; 
      'find a position to fill out ...
      if deb then printl "looking for the first free position k in array for parcuts ... "
      for k = 1 to tlim
              if deb then printl "" & k & " occupied by `" & sub_el_cut(j,k) & "`"
              if sub_el_cut(j,k) = "" then exit for

      if deb then printl k & " - is a first free position; adding ... "
      do while ThisT <> ""                          '=4     ' collect parcuts
             wwwtemp1 = ThisT
             sub_el_cut(j,k)    = wwwtemp1          ' must be optimized or indexed ...
                                                    ' this is a shortcut like for `size= ..`
             wi = len(wwwtemp1)
             short = mid(short,wi+1)
             wwwtemp1 = short
             wwwtemp2 = NextT
             short = wwwtemp1                       ' end of use wwwtemp1

             if left(wwwtemp2,1) = "`" then
                ' second token is a string `  .... `
                ' this is an entire string in "`" marks; take it
                wwwtempi = instr(short,"`")
                wi = instr(wwwtempi+1,short,"`")
                if wi = 0 then stope "no termination char ` for tag element ... stopping ... "
                subelement(j,k) = mid(short,wwwtempi+1,wi-wwwtempi-1)
                subelement(j,k)   = NextT 
                if ThisT = "," then  subelement(j,k) = "" 
             end if

             subeltype(j,k)= NextT  ' 0 - numbers, 1,2,3,  9 - string length
             if ThisT = "," then  subeltype(j,k) = "" 
             ws          = NextT  
             if ThisT = "," then  ws = "" 
             'for child-elements:
             enext(j,k) = get_i(lcase(ws))	' transform state to the next if 
                                                ' this shortcut is inside the tag
             if deb then printl sub_el_cut(j,k) & vt & subelement(j,k) & vt & _
                         subeltype(j,k)  & vt & enext(j,k)
             k = k + 1
             if k > tlim then exit do
      loop	'=4   ef IN PARCUTS BLOCK

      short3 = short            'poorily done
      short = short2
      NextL                     'header list must be tailored by empty line; 
                                'otherwise, elements and parcuts will stick together ...
  loop                          ' =2 loop vial elements in taggroup (header)

  short = short3                ' poorily done; 

' LOOP VIA ALL TAGGROUPS IN SCHEMA:                                            
loop while instr(short, "\\taggroup") > 0   
' no need for special termination token
end sub  

' quits if beh missed
' if not missed eoh is required
'    hso - header source
'    start - whe beo must be
'    take_defaults -  accept defaults
'                     before anything found
function parse_s_ml_header( _
dim i,j,k,wi,s
const beh = "\\short-ml"
const eoh = "\\end of header"

if take_defaults then
  xescape = "\"
  xself   = "."
  xtend   = "."   'marks end of parcuts
  tag_div = ","   'substitutor for space in tag
  if IndentFlag = "" then
     'default value:
     IndentFlag = ve & "  "
  end if
end if

i = instr(start,hso,beh)
if i <> start then 
   'no header is found:
   'this sets start of 
   'schema and retursn it
   parse_s_ml_header = start
   exit function
end if

k = instr(start,hso, vl & eoh)
if k=0 then stope "Missed " & eoh & "."
k = instr(k,hso,ve)
if k=0 then stope "Header must end with CRLF."
'return next position after the header:
parse_s_ml_header = k+2

'find escaper:
k = instr(start,hso, vl & "escaper=")    
if k > 0 then 
   if deb then printl "escaper=`" & xescape & "`"
end if

'find xself
k = instr(start,hso,vl & "escapee=")
if k > 0 then
   xself  =mid(hso,k+9,1)
   if deb then printl "escapee=`" & xself & "`"
end if

'find "parsend"
k = instr(start,hso,vl & "tag end=")
if k > 0 then
   xtend  =mid(hso,k+8,1)
   if deb then printl "parcuts end = `" & xself & "`"
end if

k = instr(start,hso,vl & "indent=")    
if k > 0 then 
   wi = instr(k+1,hso,vl)
   IndentFlag = replace(mid(hso,k+8,wi-k-8), vr, "")
   if IndentFlag <> "" then 
      IndentFlag = ve & IndentFlag
   end if
end if
if deb then printl "Indent=`" & IndentFlag & "`"

end function  'parse_s_ml_header
