\HH \T A few topics from Geometry t\ \^style \^greek h\\B#ffffff\w \bPlease disregard contents of this site. This is a test project. Please disregard contents of folder "geometry". This is a test project. A few topics from Geometry b\ \^.bi bi belongs-intersects \^.an an angle \^.em em empty \^.eq eq "equivalent" \^.fa fa for any \^.ex ex exists \^.hs hs has \^.if if infinity \^.ig ig "integral" \^.it it "intersection" \^.nb nb not belongs \^.ne ne \^.nl nl \^.nt nt \^.ot ot \^.pd pd \^.pr pr \^.sb sb \^.sg sg \^.un un Greek letters. \^Ga Ga à \^De De Ä \^Th Th È \^La La Ë \^X1 X1 Î \^Pi Pi Ð \^Si Si Ó \^Ph Ph Ö \^Ps Ps Ø \^Og Og Ù \^al al á \^be be â \^ga ga ã \^de de ä \^ep ep å \^ze ze æ \^et et ç \^th th è \^io io é \^ka ka ê \^la la ë \^mu mu ì \^nu nu í \^xi xi î \^om om ï \^pi pi ð \^rh rh ñ \^te te ò \^si si ó \^ta ta ô \^up up õ \^ph ph ö \^ch ch ÷ \^ps ps ø \^og og ù w\ h\