\HH \T A few topics from Geometry t\ \^style \^greek h\\B#ffffff A few topics from Geometry \ \_\_ <pre> Objects. Points - A,B,C, ... Lines - a,b,c, ... Planes - \^al, \^be, \^ga, ... Relations: \^.bi = ~ "congruent" between Axioms. 1. For any two distinct points A an B, there exists unique line b such both A and B belong this line. \^.faA, \^.faB, , A\^.neB \^.exa A\^.bia and B\^.bia and \^.faa, \^.fab, \^.faA, \^.faB, if A\^.bia, B\^.bia, A\^.bib, B\^.bib, then a = b. 2. Betweeness. For any three distinct points A, B, C lying on the same line, there only one of following "prepositions" can be true: A is between B and C B is between A and C C is between A and B. Example. Set: {A,B,C} Sets a={A,B}, b={B,C}, and c={C,A} are lines. </pre> h\