Converts (makes HTML Encoding) all files in folder recursively and creates a web-site mirroring source folder in RESULT_FILES folder. Creates index.htm as front page for converted folder. Adds .htm extensions to all result files names. Usage Click on menu\Go and when conversion is completed, go to RESULT_FILES and browse from index.htm. '===================================================================== \\|=schema_version."folder2html 10" ' - compact output - less empty lines, ' - displays contents of folder: list of subfolders on top, ' - indented to reflect deepness in folder tree, ' - <pre> tag is used. '===================================================================== - .bop ..output_text_to_console.f : ..native_separators.false : ..=head1."<html><head><title>" : ..=head2."</title> <style> body { background-color: #e0e0e0; } a { text-decoration:none; } </style> </head><body><pre>" : "</pre></body></html>".=end : ..indent." " : ..=color."ffffff" : ..=contents."\lContents of $p_source .\l\l" .bof : 'swich colors: ..?color."ffffff" ..=color."eeeeee" ..=color."ffffff" : ..+folder_number.1 : ..&list."<div style=""background-color:#$color ;"">" : ..&list."<a name=""n$folder_number ""><pre> $Indent $ \l" : ..&contents."<a href=""#n$folder_number ""> $Indent $ \l" : >-s : 'Variable Indent restored at beginning and end of 'folder to reflect nesting structure of folder tree. 'Remove CRLF from indent and assign result to Indent: 'Indent will be used in list and contents: "$indent ".=Indent."\l"."" .eof < .=last_folder : ..&list."</pre></div>" : 'Restore Indent after ending folder: "$indent ".=Indent."\l"."" .bot "$p_rextension .htm".=p_rextension : "$head1 $file $head2 " : "$p_local_path /".=folder."\\"."/" : ..&list."$Indent <a href=""$folder $p_rbasic .$p_rextension "">$p_file </a>\l" : "\h$in " : "$end " : .end - .eop "$head1 $last_folder $head2 $contents \l$list Converted by <a href="""">$p_version </a> Schema version $schema_version . $end ".=out :$out."index.htm"