Update_link script ... ====================== ... is designed to update link to the corporate site. This link is located on hosting web site which does not have permanent IP address. For example, if corporate site has dial-up Internet account. Three components are required for full functionality: 1. Updater, program which calls to update_corporate_office_link.*, 2. update_corporate_office_link.* which accepts call from Updater, 3. connect_to_corporate_office.* which redirects user from hosting web site to corporate. This package contains only two last components: update_corporate_office_link.asp connect_to_corporate_office.asp They must reside on hosting web site. Details of work provided in section "In ASP". User can test functionality manually without Updater. To convert asp-script to php, ============================= point s2s to update_link folder and click menu/Go. After conversion: uncomment ..//require in update_corporate_office_link.php and connect_to_corporate_office.php remove all redundant text between ?> and <? Result will look like: <?php // require("../replacers.inc"); ?><?php //@language="VBScript" ?><?php //option explicit ?><?php require( "../custom.inc" ) ?><?php Otherwise, text will be sent to browser before browser is redirected. In ASP ====== This test must work if hosting web site is a local computer running PWS or IIS: Update link by going to: http://localhost/update_link/update_corporate_office_link.asp?port=80&folder=update_link&interval=3 port=80 - port of hosting web server folder=update_link - folder on corporate site where to redirect interval=3 - interval of updates done by Updater This parameters will be stored in file link_to_corporate_office.htm This file will have time stamp also. When user calls to hosting web site like http://localhost/update_link/connect_to_corporate_office.asp?subfolder=to, then this script parses file link_to_corporate_office.htm and retrieves port, folder, timestamp, and interval. If actual interval is greater than interval, then it is assumed that corporate office is down and no redirection is done. If actual interval is less than interval, then user is redirected to corporate site. In PHP ====== Do something similar to: http://www.mydomain.com/update_link/update_corporate_office_link.php?port=80&folder=update_link&interval=3 Port, folder, interval, mydomain, update_link must be replaced with valid values. Test work: http://www.mydomain.com/update_link/connect_to_corporate_office.php?subfolder=to Subfolder is optional; if used in this example, to/default.htm should be renamed with to/index.htm