Indent model. ============ IndentFlag regulates inenting in the engine. Empty IndentFlag value disables indenting. Default value is IndentFlag = CRLF & " " Value can be reset in line indent=<IndnetFlagValue> in schema sml-header. (or ? in source sml-header) Indenting done with "saving text size" functionality: any 7 continuous characters are replaced with tab. Microbug: Therefore, this is assumed that browsers tab is 7 characters which may be wrong. Details. ======== In code,final indenting done in sub makei(d) in module Empty IndentFlage disables indenting. Initial value of IndentFlag a. default and first modification of IndentFlag done in function parse_s_ml_header( _ start,hso,take_defaults) in b. second modification may be done in the same function when called from source parser: compile_source(not (proceed_result_file and proceed)) from which calls: i = parse_s_ml_header(1,source,false) from