<% 'DESCR ' simply extracts string R=Text[[""]Text] from ' Source which is = ..."Text[[""]Text]"...... ' ' 'INPUT: ' SourceS - must have " ' at StartPos which will be skipped and which marks ' the beginning of the searched string; ' StartSearchPos - first Mark position ' remmed: position where to start first q-mark seach ' RecognizeDoubleQuoters - if true, then pair "" converted ... ' if ReduceDoubleQuoters = true, ... to " ' = false, ... to "" ' StripQMarks - if true, then R is returned ' otherwise "R" is returned. ' Mark - this is a character which can be used instead of "" ' for example single quotation mark ' ReduceDoubleQuoters 'OUTPUT: returns R or "R" ' EndPos - character next after last " ' 'NOTE ' Function CutQuotedString( _ StartSearchPos, SourceS, Mark, _ RecognizeDoubleQuouters, _ ReduceDoubleQuoters, StripQMarks, _ EndPos) Dim CurrentPos, wi, result, ResultL Dim StartPos result = "" CutQuotedString = "" ResultL = Len(SourceS) StartPos = StartSearchPos 'to search for first Mark: 'StartPos = InStr(StartSearchPos, SourceS, Mark) EndPos = StartSearchPos If StartPos = 0 Or StartPos = ResultL _ Then Exit Function 'first character (usually ") is skipped: CurrentPos = StartPos + 1 If CurrentPos > Len(SourceS) Then EndPos = ResultL + 1 Exit Function End If Do 'locate position of the next ": wi = InStr(CurrentPos, SourceS, Mark) If wi = 0 Then 'return all plus "complete" string with ": result = result & Mid(SourceS, CurrentPos) EndPos = ResultL + 1 Exit Do 'break of string found End If result = result & _ Mid(SourceS, CurrentPos, wi - CurrentPos) If Mid(SourceS, wi + 1, 1) = Mark And _ RecognizeDoubleQuouters Then CurrentPos = wi + 2 result = result & Mark If Not ReduceDoubleQuoters Then _ result = result & Mark Else EndPos = wi + 1 'next pos Exit Do 'end of string found End If Loop 'If tz_conv_str = "P" Then _ ' result = Replace(Replace(Replace(result, "\", "\\"), """""", "\"""), "$", "\$") If StripQMarks Then CutQuotedString = result Else CutQuotedString = Mark & result & Mark End If End Function %>