'Server Script Variables access shortcuts:
dim path_info           '\$p  
dim this_page           '\$f (file)
const path_info_esc = "p"
const this_page_esc = "f"
   const VarEsc     = "$" 
   const SelfNamed  = "+"               'KK.07.17.01
   const SelfClosed = "|"               'seems never used;
   dim SelfNamedFlag                    'KK.07.17.01
   dim IndentFlag                       'if "" then indent ignored;
   'IndentFlag = ve   'wrong place to set; do this in default.asp or
                      'form schema/source headers;

   dim t, d, c                          'horrible globals;
   dim tt				'will be a collected result ... 

   dim this_version 
   dim elemcur, i_next_el, pcurrent
   dim not_halfcurr
   dim ilowcurr                         'convert current element to low case and take its index
   dim contrcurr                        'current state made by control contcurr
   dim ForeignScriptFlag                'current state is a foreign tag
   dim tagelem

   dim element(170)                     'string; element;
   'contructs used for "long shortcut"=more-than-two-chars shortcut
   dim saved_the_rest_of_line		' from NextT
       saved_the_rest_of_line = ""
   dim SML_E_key
       SML_E_key = "^"                  ' key for "long shortcuts" wich value can take all
                                        ' rest of the line.
   dim SML_E_long(170)			' index of more-than-two-chars shortcut;
   dim SML_E_scut(80)			' key=shortcut it self as a text;
   dim SML_E_value(80)			' replace scut with this value;
   dim SML_E_i,SML_E_m, SML_E_L		'//- current, maximum, limit for current; 
       SML_E_i = 0                      ' index for long_shortcut arrays;
       SML_E_m = 80                     ' restriction for this index;

   dim extended(170)
   dim tagable(170)                   
   dim any_scut(170)			' storing some control char which can open this el.
   dim mark(170)                        ' boolean; marks nesting level in comments (good for tables)
   dim foreign(170)			' for foreign scripts like php ...
   dim halftag(170)
                                        ' one of the main functions which builds sml:
   dim tar(128,170)                     ' tar(shortcut,scope) = target-element
                                        ' shortcut here is asc value of actual shortcut.
   dim abbr(170)                        ' element just abbreviation like `&nbsp;`
   dim elim
       elim = 170				' limit for elements quantity

   dim sub_el_cut(170,30)		 ' shortcut met inside tag for subtag element
   dim subelement(170,30)
   dim subeltype(170,30),  enext(170,30) ' 0 - numbers, 1,2,3,  9 - parameters string length
   '		   |sub_el_cut index		 	          
   dim enumb                             ' elements number
   dim tlim
       tlim = 30

   dim short, short2
   dim xescape, xcomment, icommon, iistart, xtend
   dim ibody                              ' index for element body
   dim xself
   const xxescape = "."

   dim h(200)

   dim TLen 
   dim source

   dim m_pointer,t_pointer
   dim p(100), pscut(100), escape, comment, shortcut,  element_state
   dim low_elemcur, e_next_el, c_control, tag_state
   dim indents, indented
   dim no_more_scuts                       ' for tag
   dim tag_div	
