***** Please look at console. Check, are there any exception messages. To start the check, scroll up to beginning of your project conversion. Beginning starts with text like: C O M P I L I N G S C H E M A S C H E M A C O M P I L E D ***Project-Unit Round End*** ***Terminating 1 Round Project*** Global variables: TERMINATING FILE-PROJECT-UNIT option_explicit_40.txt Last text result is empty ... project-unit terminated ... STARTING FOLDER-PROJECT-UNIT sml RESULT FOLDER NAME: C:\D\SCRIPT2SCRIPT\examples\asp_php\asp_samples\RESULT_FILES\sml If you cannot find this text, please look in file console.txt (Console may be refreshed and saved.) Scroll down to the end of compilation. At the end of compilation, must be a message: ".asp" -> ".php" RISKY REPLACEMENT(S) ARE MADE IN STRINGS IN HTML PART: .asp IN FILE: index This if and because one risky option has been used in this schema. For this project, reader should not worry about replacements. For other, programmer should check them. To check, please go to file s/index.php and index.htm and search for all fragments ".php" If you find them correct (they are correct in this project), don't worry about them. Now, please go to RESULT_FILES folder and work with text. ***** in s/default.php and m/index.php uncomment and edit line to: <?php require("../../replacers.inc") ?> ****** Now, this is a time to look for converter's remarks which are //! and !! In Windows environment, please use Start/Find and search all folder "sml". You will find compile.inc. Using Wordpad on each of this files, you will find 2 locations where following necessary replacement must be done. ----------------------------------------------------- 1 CORRECTION was: for($j=$k; $j<=$wi; $j+=-1) corrected: for($j=$k; $j>=$wi; $j+=-1) ----------------------------------------------------- 2 CORRECTION was: for($i=$d; $i<=1; $i+=-1) corrected: for($i=$d; $i>=1; $i+=-1) ----------------------------------------------------- ***** This is all that S2S can do for this project. Save "RESULT_FILES/sml" to webroot, browse to RESULT_FILES/sml/index.htm, and click on readme link. ***** THIS STEP MAY REQUIRE DEBUGGING AND KNOWING HOW YOUR APPLICAITION WORKS. IF CORRECTION REQUIRES UNDERSTANDING HOW APPLICATION WORKS, IT WILL BE CALLED "CONTENT-TYPE" CORRECTION. You will note that site works, but paritally. Link to "s/ (readme)" should work. The second link "example of working sml-site" does not work. There may be some other problems which author is not aware of. For example: File names calls in Windows ignore case, in Unix not. File permissions. Can be set incorrectly when you published the site. In particular case of this sample-project, author found following corrections which make sense: ***** CONTENT-TYPE CORRECTION: in manage_core.inc comment following line - there is no need to make such fix: //$file_to_read=replace_c_($file_to_read,"/","\\"); ***** CONTENT-TYPE CORRECTION in ParseQuoted.inc prepend "&" at last parameter $endpos: function cutquotedstring($startsearchpos,$sources,$mark,$recognizedoublequouters, $reducedoublequoters,$stripqmarks,&$endpos){ ***** CONTENT-TYPE CORRECTION in readme.txt: .asp ------> .php many replacements "\" with "/" may be necessary, or included and already edited for PHP readme.txt can be used. To use it, rename readme.txt to readme.bak, and readme__ALREADY_CONVERTED_TO_PHP.txt to readme.txt. ===== Final notes. The site is much slower than in ASP. To optimize it, reader should analyse code and correct "bottle necks". There still can be another hidden conversion bugs and ASP - PHP incompatibility bugs.