\HHT linear functions h\\B#aaddcc \fts3\bLinear functions \ \_\_ V and v denotes vectors space and its element on this page.\_\_ \t#aaffddp4RD Even if one consider functions from any set M to vector space V, this functions very natively allow to define operations \ArFrom_m_to_v.htm" "+" and "." on them \ . The set of all this functions FF comprises even vector space itself. This fact relates to how functions "interact with themselves." t\ \_ In this page, we will discuss how linear functions "act on vector spaces". Suppose we have two vector spaces V and V'. By definition, LL = { f | f: V --> V'; f-linear } - set of all linear functions from V to V'.\_ "f - linear" means that for every a,b \^.be " R, u,v \^.be " V, f(au+bv) = af(u) + bf(v). \_\_ Linear function reveal themselves even from very beginning of definition of vector space. For every number b, multiplication vector with this number give one linear function f\[b \ : V --> V; f\[b \ (v) = bv. If we choose b=0, then f will be 0-element in FF.\_ Actually, LL is subspace in FF.\_\_ For every f from LL and every subspace S, f(S) is subspace in V'. \_ For every f from LL and every subspace S' from V' f\]-1 \ (S') is subspace in V.\_ Subspace f\]-1 \ ({0}} we will call kernel or kern f. \_ For every element v' belonging V' and every element v such as f(v)=v',\_ f\]-1 \ (v') = (v united with kern f). So, any "preimage" of any vector v' has the same card as kern f.\_\_ \t#aaffddp4RD This is interesting that all sets f\]-1 \ (v') comprise a partition of V into disjoint subsets, and all such subsets 1-1 mapped into kern f. Let us call a set of this subsets a factor set and denote it V/V'. In other words, V/V' = { f\]-1 \ (v')| v' belongs V' }. f\]-1 \ (v') 1-1 maps V' into V/V'. Moreover, if to define H+G and aH for elements of V/V' using arbitrary vectors from H and G, then\_\_ 1) such definition does not depend on the choice of arbitraty vectiors; \_ 2) V/V' comprises a vector space; \_ 3) function f\]-1 \ (v') establishes an isomorphism between f(V) and V/V'.\_\_ t\\_ It is easy to see now that the following sentences are equivalent: \_\_ kern f = {0} \_ function f is 1-1 \_ function f is isomorphism between V and f(V)\_ there is an element v' that its preimage has only one element\_\_ Because of vital importance of isomorphism between vector spaces, let us to give defintion of this term. \b1-1 \ function I from vector space V \bon \ vector space V' is an isomorphism if I "preserves operations" "+" and ".". "Preserves" means that: \_\_ 1) if u,v,g belong V, and u + v = g, then I(u) + I(v) = I(g) \_ 2) if b is a number; u,v belong to V, and bv = u, then I(bv) = I(u) 1') if u',v',g' belong to V', and u' + v' = g', then J(u') + J(v') = J(g') \_ 2') if b is a number; u',v' belong to V', and bv' = u', then J(bv') = J(u') \_\_ where J is a map reversed to I. Such map exists because I is 1-1 function. Practically, isomorphism means that "applying" operations to elements V is "interchangable" with applying operations to elements V', or vector spaces V and V' completely "identical" as vector spaces. If one defined additional "structures" on V and V', V and V' may be not "identical" in respect to this additional structures. For example, V can be topological space, and V' can be set of continuous functions. From context, it must be clear which properties of V and V' does isomorphism identify.\_\_ \_\_ \Arvector_space.asp" \fs1#ff4400 GO TO PREVIOUS a\ \-\-\- \Arlinear_algebra.asp" \fs1#ff4400 GO TO TOP a\ \-\-\- \Arbasis.asp" \fs1#ff4400 GO TO NEXT a\ \-\-\- \Arconsistence.asp" \fs1#884400 LOGICAL STRICTNESS a\ \-\-\-\-\- \Ardisclaimer.asp" \fs1#884400 DISCLAIMER a\ h\