\HHT linear functions h\\B#aaddcc

  \fts3\bLinear functions \  \_\_

  V and v denotes vectors space and its element on this page.\_\_

  Even if one consider functions from any set M to vector space V, this functions very
  natively allow to define operations \ArFrom_m_to_v.htm"  "+" and "." on them \ . The set of
  all this functions FF comprises even vector space itself. 
  This fact relates to how functions "interact with themselves."
  In this page, we will discuss how linear functions "act on vector spaces".
  Suppose we have two vector spaces V and V'.
  By definition, LL = { f | f: V --> V'; f-linear } 
  - set of all linear functions from V to V'.\_
  "f - linear" means that 
  for every a,b \^.be "  R, u,v \^.be "  V,
  f(au+bv) = af(u) + bf(v).
  Linear function reveal themselves even from very beginning of definition of vector space.
  For every number b, multiplication vector with this number give one linear function 
  f\[b  \ : V --> V; f\[b \ (v) = bv. If we choose b=0, then f will be 0-element in FF.\_
  Actually, LL is subspace in FF.\_\_

  For every f from LL and every subspace S, f(S) is subspace in V'. \_
  For every f from LL and every subspace S' from V' f\]-1 \ (S') is subspace in V.\_
  Subspace f\]-1 \ ({0}} we will call kernel or kern f. \_
  For every element v' belonging V' and every element v such as f(v)=v',\_
  f\]-1 \ (v') = (v united with kern f). So, any "preimage" of any vector v' has the 
  same card as kern f.\_\_

  This is interesting that all sets f\]-1 \ (v') comprise a partition of V into disjoint 
  subsets, and
  all such subsets 1-1 mapped into kern f. Let us call a set of this subsets a factor set and denote
  it V/V'. In other words, V/V' = { f\]-1 \ (v')| v' belongs V' }. f\]-1 \ (v') 1-1 maps V' into V/V'.
  Moreover, if to define H+G and aH for elements of V/V' using arbitrary vectors from H and G, then\_\_
  1) such definition does not depend on the choice of arbitraty vectiors; \_
  2) V/V' comprises a vector space; \_
  3) function f\]-1 \ (v') establishes an isomorphism between f(V) and V/V'.\_\_

  It is easy to see now that the following sentences are equivalent: \_\_
  kern f = {0} \_
  function f is 1-1 \_
  function f is isomorphism between V and f(V)\_
  there is an element v' that its preimage has only one element\_\_ 

  Because of vital importance of isomorphism between vector spaces, 
  let us to give defintion of this term. \b1-1 \ function I from vector space V \bon \
  vector space V' is an isomorphism 
  if I "preserves operations" "+" and ".". "Preserves" means
  that: \_\_

  1) if u,v,g belong V, and u + v = g, then I(u) + I(v) = I(g) \_
  2) if b is a number; u,v belong to V, and bv = u, then  I(bv) = I(u)
  1') if u',v',g' belong to V', and u' + v' = g', then J(u') + J(v') = J(g') \_
  2') if b is a number; u',v' belong to V', and bv' = u', then  J(bv') = J(u') \_\_

  where J is a map reversed to I. Such map exists because I is 1-1 function. Practically,
  isomorphism means that "applying" operations to elements V is "interchangable" with
  applying operations to elements V', or vector spaces V and V' completely "identical" as
  vector spaces. If one defined additional "structures" on V and V', V and V' may be not
  "identical" in respect to this additional structures. For example, V can be topological
  space, and V' can be set of continuous functions. From context, it must be clear
  which properties of V and V' does isomorphism identify.\_\_


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