
Please see syntax_of_notations_help

AppFolder       - Folder where Script2Script and its supplementary files reside.

converter       - Final State Machine which does actual conversion. 
                  Compi lives in Script2Script.dll.
Programmer      - Compi's Master, Programmer who writes schema
big-endian      - jargon; means that number's most significant byte stored in 
                  the lowest memory address or sent first to information stream.
little-endian   - jargon; has meaning reverse to big-endian.


Compi is reborn,
Resetting compiler  - resetting compiler with default values.

SourceText          - text to be read, understood, and converted by Compi.
Source folder       - folder containing source files to convert.

SourceEntity        - Source file or Source folder.
RESUL_FILES	    - folder where result files will be saved. If Source folder is
                      submitted for conversion, then RESUL_FILES will mirror Source folder
                      structure. RESUL_FILES will be created under parent of SourceEntity.
Tokeneyeser         - reads tokens from SourceText and provide events for Compi.	
Compile time        - time when Compi parses schema.

Run-time            - time when Compi parses and converts source text. 
                      Convert-time is better term because Run-time can be understood as 
                      run-time of converted script.
Direcitives         - actions which set Compi's execution modes

Dialog              - process of accepting events and executing actions based on schema
                      events can come from Tokenizer or from global-queue == internally;

early-action-event  - described in early_and_late_event_actions_examples_help.txt
late-action-event   - described in early_and_late_event_actions_examples_help.txt
late-substitution   - described in early_and_late_event_actions_examples_help.txt,
immediate-substitution - substitution shortcuts in string-expression when
                         schema is being parsed;
immediate-binding   - immediate-substitution;


schema              - set of instructions to control conversion process ==
                    - set of instructions to control Compi              ==
                    - "switches to modify or adjust parsing or conversion process" 
                    - syntax is described in schema_syntax_help.txt
immediate-action    - executed immediately whey encoutered in schema

external-event      - incoming event from Tokenizer
event-pattern       - event in schema instruction: "W event queue [W comment]"

event-statement     - schema instruction

event-action        - event placed in action-queue by programmer;
                      event which Compi generates for himself interanlly and
                      inserts it into the global-queue to make it happen later;

state-action        - is a state to which Compi falls
                      when this state is encountered in queue.
nest-action         - is a nest to which Compi triggers himsef
                      when this state is encountered in queue.
normal-action       - "true" action, not event-action, or state-action

global-queue        - current queue of actions, events, and state changes scheduled
                      for execution. When external-event happens, external-event's
                      queue is inserted into global-queue.

cluster             - defined in syntax_of_notations_help
cluster-fragment    - defined in syntax_of_notations_help
string-expression   - defined in syntax_of_notations_help
                      described in string_expression_help
escaped-string      - string-expression
schema-variable     - internal Compi's variable which can be accessed from schema;
                      if met inside escaped-strings, usually have leading "$";
variable            - schema-variable in schema context;
                      schema-variable if context is not obvious;


   In context of "FILE SYSTEM" text, if other is not specified, 
   the following definition are used:

     file or folder   - name not including parent folder and 
                        (so, c:\windows\notepad.exe is not a file. this is a path)
     file_extension   - string before the first period counting from the name end
     basic_file_name  - all name before file_extension

     entity - file or folder
     unit   - file or folder

     path   - path to file or folder; can be:
                  absolute:  includes drive letter like m:\... 
                           example: c:\windows\notepad.exe;
                  relative:  in c:\windows\system and c:\windows\notepad.exe
                           notepad.exe is path to notepad.exe relative to system;
                  local:     in above example,
                           notepad.exe is path to notepad.exe local in windows;
    parent  - folder containing given file or folder:
              windows is a parent to notepad.exe

   Terms considered ambiguous:

           full_path      := abs_path
           full file name := file name or absolute file name