
-     	"any state"
-a      the same as -
*     	"many states" (not used as at revision 1.0.18 yet)
-r    	root-state. when first schema has been compiled, 
        Compi is in this state.
-s      "subblock"; made for indenting; the number of -s states in the nest equal
	to the size of indent for action .i;
        used for nice layout of nested blocks in source-program;

-n      "neutral"; at compile-time, local states which do not have events specified, 
        are renamed to -n;

-schema schema text parsing starts in this state; projects starts in this state;
        precisely speaking, each SCHEMA-PROJECT-UNIT starts in the nest:
        which reduces to the nest 
        when schema compilation is terminated.

-<any sequence of characters>