QUEUE SHOTRCUTS =============== : continue queue on the next line; NEST ---- - - preserve state which is already in this position in the nest; < - is shortcut for <1 > - is >1 = - sets global nest cursor to 0 =X - sets current state to "X" (precisely, state which is a top state of the global nest will be set to "X") EVENTS ------ * - requests tokenizer to submit one event to dialog; more details about * and + are in early_and_late_event_actions_examples_help.txt : classified as late-event-action + - takes parent event and inserts it to a queue; more details about * and + are in early_and_late_event_actions_examples_help.txt : classified as early-event-action +.d - the same as + : "deferred event" . - takes event from tokenizer, takes token and type from this event as current, DON'T SUBMIT EVENT TO DIALOG; : classified as late-action-event .. - takes event from tokenizer, DON'T SUBMIT EVENT TO DIALOG and DISCARDS IT; : classified as late-action-event TOKEN-PASSING ------------- If token part of event-action is empty, then this part will be substituted with the current token value. "Current" means token's value at time of constructing queue for early-event-action and token's value at time of fiering event for late-event-action. Token-passing does not work if token is an empty-string expression like "". Example: - a +.b - event a.b will be fired - a c.=token *c.b - event c.b will be fired