ARITHMETICAL OPERATIONS AND ASSIGNMENTS CAN USE FOLLOWING ACTION SYNTAX: ..[operation[operand1]][.[parameter]] Operation. Arithmetical operations: + addition - substruction * multiplication / division x/y \ result=clng(clng(x)\clng(y)) % mod operation ^ bitwise xor | bitwise or : bitwise and ! bitwise not Number to string operations: 1 convert Operand2 to character, and assign result to Operand1. Similar to VB function chr(x). 2 convert to 2 character string; big-endian; 6 convert to 2 character string; litlle-endian; 4 convert to 4 character string; big-endian; 8 convert to 4 character string; little-endian; String operations: = assignment; & strings concatenation: operand1=operand1 & operand2 @ concatenation in reverse order: operand1=operand2 & operand1 ~ adding to list-variable; list-variable := [<string>L][<string>L] .... In other words, list-variable contains list of <string>s terminated by line_feed. <string> can be any set of characters. In <string>, line feed escaped as ^\ escape char ^ escaped as ^^ If no <string> is in list, the list is represented as empty string. ] reverse string ("flip horizontally"); String to number operations: # convert char, wchar, dchar string to a decimal digit; most significant byte is stored first; fe: char converts to ascii; [ the same as #, but most significant byte is stored last; Comparision. ..<2.1 a1 a2 a3 ... triggers a2 a3 ... ..>2.1 a1 a2 a3 ... triggers a1 a3 ... ..?x."moo" a1 a2 a3 ... if x = "moo", triggers a1, a3, ... if x = "3", triggers a2, a3 ..{list.searchee is "searchee" in "list"? ..}list.searchee case insensetive check < numeric less than; > numeric grater than = string equality ASSIGNMENTS To make an assignment: Oper1 = Oper2, the following actions can be used: ..=Oper1.Oper2 - general case; Simplifications: ...Oper2 - the same as ..=token.Oper2 ..=Oper1 - ..=Oper1.token Note. Controls aslo can be used for assignments: "$Oper2 ".=Oper1 - ..=Oper1.Oper2 if Oper2 is a variable. .=Oper1 - ..=Oper1.token "".=Oper1 - assigning empty value to Oper1 "$MyVar ".=Oper1 - ..=Oper1.MyVar REDUNDANT NOTE: all string-expressions in arithmetical operations have late execution. All tokens have "late" values. For example: ..=Oper1."MyVar=$MyVar " Value of MyVar will be iserted into the string at time when this action is executed.