Protecting own mistakes, not the people About Kharkov offensive. By Konstantin Kirillov. Sept. 16. 2022. (To A.M.) 1. How an evacuation be an excuse? It is a disaster. 2. How an evacuation and teacher duty, police duty, admin duty coexist if "to evacuate a month ahead"? Who will do these duties during remaining month? This is a hypocricy. 3. Evacuation is a breaking of the trust. How breaking of the trust can be an excuse? 4. Peple who remain to stay are not necessary pro-Ukrainian. Above 4 is a moral defeat. 5. And moral defeat means defeat of denazification goal. At least temporary but long lasting. Now, let's say about military. 6. If these 10-20 cities/villages cannot be held and territory is not a goal in mobile war, why to conquer and keep them for 3 months at all? Why not to keep the line along the river as is now, Sept 17? What is a gain for R? The only advantage of keeping them is a one week of delay for U. Delay for what if R does not hurry at all? Therefore, this was a military defeat. Don't say above is a panic, exaggeration, or whining. We don't mean above means a great, or final, or strategic defeat. But a defeat. 7. Calling above a planned maneuver is a lie, shredding the responsibility and apology. And shredding of responsibility is a thing standing aside of the above moral defeat itself and is an additional breaking of the trust to the MOD on top of evacuation itself. If one disagree with above minimal logic, below we expand and support it. We avoid the judgement and blaiming of any one. For this case, we speak in language of "trade-offs". The blaiming is left to a reader. RF has obligation to protect liberated areas and not leave them. (*) Proof. Ad absurdum. Assume the contrary of (*): Russia came and liberated area A. Locals begin use Russian aid, admins and police must cooperate with R., normal life must be supported by R as much as possible, children go to school, ... There is no other way. The population won't survive without aid and elements of normal life. They must accept all of this even some do not like Russians. But this immediatley makes all these locals Ukrainian targets. All, even pro-Ukraians. This means that R must promise these locals: we'll try never leave. Even if R does not make such a promise verbally, it is implied. Because all parties do understand: leaving the territory will be a disaster for locals. In any following possible cases: case 1) withouht possiblity to evacuation to R. case 2) with partial or full evacuation to R. Because evacuation is ruining of human live and is a disaster. (For some people pro-Russian or not, especially old ones, the evacuation is not an option: they do not want to leave their mother land, the land where their ancestors were buried.) So, the presence of R. will build a trust between R and locals. No matter what MOD of R thinks or plans about this area and what MOD secretly hides from locals and own low-rank suborinates who are compelled to lie to locals because are not able to see in their eyes otherwise. So at the end of the presense, we have two things going on: cooperation and trust. Then R leaves. And all breaks: mostly people are ruined by evacuation, some even did not have a chance to evacuate, remaining people are under genocide, and trust is broken. Proof finished. More details are below. 7. Contradiction. It cannot be both: A.M and M.Z.: A.M. says like [1],[2],[3] "...everyone who wanted to evacuate did evacuate..." => leaving these territories "is OK" Maria Zakharova: [4] "...concern are ... filtration measures carried out by special services and neo-Nazi armed formations in the territories ... of the allied forces were withdrawn ... " => not OK *. Apparently, at Bucha time span, population was not timely and clearly warned that R keeps in them mind the option to leave. In our memory, when people exit from shelters, they found Russian troops left. People where not urgent to evacuate. Some even stayed despite of R recommendation to evacuate. Were murdered. Due two causes: (cause of consequence is never alone) Russian temporary presense and Ukrainian terror. Therefor R shared a "guilt" of being coming near Kiev. * [11] Living people the only option as evacuation is wrong. This is exactly the same as Ukranians did in the famous France24 report for Licichansk when citizens of Licichansk did not want to evacuate: the called this rightfully "deportation" when Ukrain admins tried to evacuate them. 1:03 R. does not force. But effect is similar to deportation. * Low-level subordinates continue to confuse own-selves and locals: "we never leave". For example: Liman. We can be sure everywhere. Otherwise, how soldiers can look at the eyes of the locals? Source: Красный Лиман терпит натиск ВСУ. Вера Белоусова 12.09.2022, 13:57 * Will following people lose their trust?: We can only be surprised how much trust people put into R. a. Senior Lady in Lisichansk. I want Russians to win. [France24]. Source: 1:03 b. Babushka with flag. (Her fate is uknown?) A) What can they think now? What to believe? What about referendum? B) Not only trust of Ukrainian locals, but in R. too. Excusable details. Kharkiv offensive was possibly a clear planning error. That makes some excuse for "breaking a trust". But in this case MOD must clearly admint the error, apologize to locals, and panish responsible for this error. Not necessarily like executions in 1941, but something. Reasons and fixes * Why does R fight with small amount of people? To save them? In expense of civilians? So, this is again a trade-off number-of-civilians/number-of-own-soldiers No judgement. No blame. I simply don't know. But this is a question to R. MOD. Will it ever answer it? * The problem with Russia is a lack of accountability/responsibility. MOD is not accountable to the ordinary population. It can hurm denazification operation, but no explanation/apology. (Lying to locals: we won't leave is a such hurm. This breeds anti Russia mood.) Instead of explanation there is a fake explanation: "a regrouping" which multiplies the hurm. Summary of logic Betray me once: shame on you. Betray me twice - shame on me. Because people on top do not take responsibilities for own mistakes and keep people below in unnecesary darkeness. In fact, people above do not trust enough to peple below. This is an additional complication to Russian oligarchy predatory system.
Above was mostly what one could expect. Below how these expectations were fulfilled. Misleading population Before Ukrainian Kharkiv counteroffensive 6 September - 13 September. [9] august/30 ... The head of the education department of the administration of the Volchansky district of the Kharkiv region, Vera Sorokova, in an interview with RIA Novosti, said that some school teachers in the region were afraid to go to work by September 1 because of threats of reprisal and persecution from Kyiv. ... There was no "warning" to population of Volchansk to evacuate. There is an encouragment to "cooperate", to teach children. But as of today, this city is left to Ukrainian control. Betrayal. Welcome for Bucha. [10] Look at Patric Lancaster report about Isium. The man with children relactantly expressed own view on Nazis, beeing unsure what is the fate of Isum and afraid to speak. Now his concern became true. Is he safe now? 13:35 20:22 Other man: "No one knows what will be tomorrow". June 26, 2022. Even then. What to say for today when Ukraine took them back? Ukrainian Terror campaign on taken territory in Kharkov oblast' After Ukrainian Kharkiv counteroffensive 6 September - 13 September. *. Kharkov offensive. Abandoned area population (approx. population from Wikipedia before SMO): Volchansk 17000 (was controlled) Stariy Saltov 3,394 Velikii Burluk 3,656 (was controlled) Isium 45,884 (controlled) Shefchenkove 6,724 ( controlled ) Dvorchina ? Prikolotoye (controlled) Balaklia 26,921 (controlled) Bilyi Colodiaz (controlled) Kolodeznoye (controlled) Lipzy (controlled) Kazachya Lopan' (controlled) Varvarovka (controlled) [8] Author: Readovka 10 Sep at 9:10 pm Police chief of Balakleya detained by the State Budgetary Institution of Ukraine for “collaboration” with Russian troops – the Ukrainian military is repressing everyone who supports the Russian Army and views On the territory of Balakleya, the capture of which was reported today by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ukrainian State Security Bureau (an analogue of the SBU) detained the head of the city’s police, who did not have time to evacuate to the territory of the LPR. He is charged with "collaboration with the occupiers," the Kharkiv regional prosecutor's office took up his case in a demonstrative manner. Having barely taken possession of the city, the SBU officers set about repressing the population, who had not had time to evacuate and were suspected of "collaborationism." They are demonstratively detained and checked for "political views". Anyone who, in their opinion, supports pro-Russian views and collaborated with our military, is under arrest, from teachers who have undergone Russian retraining and started working at school to those who took Russian humanitarian aid. [7] Author: Readovka Sept 12, 11, today at 11:50 am Vitaly Ganchev, head of the region's Military Civil Administration, said ... ... In Kupyansk and Veliky Burluk, Ukrainian soldiers drive through the streets and shoot people, filming everything on cameras. Ganchev said: “As far as I understand, these cities need to be cleared out. And imagine that while there were Russian troops, they mocked like that, the corpses were lying on the street.” [5] 10:49, 14 сентября 2022 В Харьковской области рассказали о невозможности эвакуировать людей Глава Харьковской администрации Ганчев заявил о срыве эвакуации из-за отсутствия связи [6] 02:46, 17 сентября 2022 В Харьковской области заявили о находящихся в заложниках у Украины жителях Глава администрации Харьковской области заявил о находящихся в заложниках у ВСУ жителях References [4] Maria Zakharova. 13:04 15.09.2022 (обновлено: 13:22 15.09.2022) Фильтрационные мероприятия Киева вызывают тревогу, заявили в МИД Пресс-секретарь президента РФ Дмитрий Песков заявлял, что, по поступающей информации, украинская сторона проводит много карательных действий в Харьковской области, Песков назвал их возмутительными и добавил, что специальная военная операция будет продолжаться. *. Here is what Andrey Martyanov means "...everyone who wanted to evacuate did evacuate...". [1] 20:28 A.M.: ...Russians have been evacuating people, civilians ... those who wanted to evacuate to Russia ... [2] A.M. 21:40 Majority of the population which is left right now the in the cities ... the villages Russia is withdraw from are pro-Ukrainian ... A.M. [3] 31:34 "... people who wanted to leave and people and people were warned what is coming to them they're already left ... " 32:03 "... Russia cannot anymore protect those people who had actually more than two weeks ... we are talking months the opportunity to go to Russia and start a new life ... " It looks A.M. protects own reasoning rather than the case matter: 1) because evacuation is a disaster as we spoke above, 2) what is an assesment how many evacuated?, 3) warning came too late? and ?in September 1, instead of evacuation was invitation to go to school, so it was against evacuation, But even this point seems week. First: won't be pro-Ukrainian persecuted the same way as the "pro-Russian"? For U. nazis all the people in Easter territories who lived with Russians can be "separs", "vatniks". Don't they care to differentiate? Apparently Yurii Pololyaka is more insightful speaking about moral defeat. Follow up. When bosses silent, people begin talking. Will Kherson and Zaporozhye surrender? Сдадут ли Херсон и Запорожье? @rybar or: self link: