The operation to denazify Ukraine in the context of the World War
Sergey Glazyev - September 8, 2022, 0:39

Author's report to the Izborsk Club of Academician Glazyev

The recent forecast of the Bank of Russia regarding the expected outflow of capital this year shocked the patriotic expert community. According to him, in 2022 the outflow of capital from Russia will amount to 243 billion dollars, and in 2023 - 125 billion dollars.[1] The policy of connivance of the Bank of Russia with the export of money abroad and its arrest by the enemy in the current military conditions raises the question of the real, and not the declared goals of its activities. Earlier, based on the analysis of the consequences of the monetary policy pursued by the current leadership of the Bank of Russia, we proved that the goal of this policy is to create the most favorable conditions for currency speculators[2]. In their interests, the Bank of Russia lowered the ruble exchange rate into free float and liberalized currency regulation.

This year, due to the monetary policy of the Central Bank, Russia is losing about a trillion dollars, half of which is state reserves. Instead of directing money to modernize the economy and the needs of defense, the monetary authorities give it to the enemy, who is an order of magnitude superior to us in terms of financial power. It turns out that the United States is fighting against us with the hands of Ukrainian citizens turned by them into cannon fodder for our money with the connivance of our monetary authorities. Based on the fact that Russians and Ukrainians are one people by genetic, linguistic and historical characteristics, it turns out that the Americans are waging war against Russians for Russian money, Russian hands, Russian weapons on the territory of the Russian world. In fact, we are witnessing the implementation of the well-known Russophobic stratagem of Brzezinski that “the new world order will be created against Russia, at the expense of Russia and on the ruins of Russia…[3]”. The supporting structure of this new order is the comprador oligarchy formed on the basis of the privatization of the Soviet heritage and the monetary regulator serving its interests, which ensures the pumping out of our country at 100 billion dollars of capital annually, billions of tons of non-reproducible natural resources, hundreds of thousands of minds.

An objective assessment of the situation in which our country has been drawn as a stronghold of the Russian world is extremely important for our self-preservation. Many experts compare it with the situation in which the Russian Empire found itself during the First World War or the USSR during the invasion of Afghanistan. Those wars ended with the collapse of the country. Does the current situation contain similar risks? To answer this question, it is necessary to reveal the meaning of the ongoing confrontation - not from the point of view of the participants in the arena of hostilities, but based on the deep patterns of the development of the world economy that determine the motivation of the forces driving history and the course of further events.

World hybrid war against Russia

The reasons for American aggressiveness are generated by the objective laws of the ongoing change in world economic structures (WCS)[4], discovered in 2016[5]. Unfortunately, the author's attempts to bring them to the attention of political decision makers have been only partially successful. At the same time, events are developing exactly as the theory of changing world economic structures predicts, and there were many opportunities to turn their course in a beneficial direction for us. The once-in-a-century process of changing the WCA has so far been accompanied by world wars, which were organized by the ruling elite of the obsolete WCA in order to maintain their global hegemony.

You can read in detail about the logic of the process of changing world economic structures in my book “The Last World War: The United States Starts and Loses”, published in 2016[6]. Since then, events, including the military actions in Ukraine, have developed exactly as predicted in this book within the framework of the inertial scenario. During this time, the US ruling elite has gone through all the stages of provoking an escalation of hostilities described in the book, including: a consistent increase in anti-Russian financial sanctions; the exponential increase in Russophobia in the world media; the mobilization and dragging of the population of Ukraine occupied in 2014 into the war against Russia and, finally, the persistent initiation of the actual war since the end of last year.

Decision-makers' disregard for the above patterns is sending us down a worst-case scenario in line with Washington's strategy. It follows logically from the objective position of the United States as the leader of the outgoing world economic order.

During periods of change of the WCS, there is a sharp destabilization of the system of international relations in the course of the destruction of the old and the formation of a new world order. The possibilities of socio-economic development based on the existing system of institutions and technologies are being exhausted. Meanwhile, on the periphery of the world economic system, a new leader appears with a more effective system for managing the development of the economy. It breaks ahead, relying on the ability of the new system of production relations and institutions to concentrate resources and activate human potential in the breakthrough areas of growth of the new technological order. The change of the leading countries of world economic development, which has been accompanied by world wars, is becoming inevitable. They are provoked by the ruling elite of the leading country of the outgoing world economic order,

Faced with the loss of economic competitiveness due to the exhaustion of development opportunities within the framework of the existing world economic order, the world leader has always unleashed a world war in order to destroy and contain rivals. Washington, in fact, repeats the policy of London a century ago, which provoked the First and then the Second World War in order to maintain leadership by mutual destruction of rivals - Germany and Russia (USSR). This policy will end the same - the US, following the UK, will lose world domination due to the objective laws of changing world economic structures. As a result of the world war unleashed by them, China and India, which are not participating in it, will win, which have already formed the core of a new - integral - world economic order and are rapidly developing on the wave of the growth of a new technological order.

The world wars of the last century were for the possession of territory. In any case, from the side of the main aggressors - Germany and Japan, who proclaimed the goal of expanding the living space for their nations, who wanted to enslave the rest of humanity. The current global hybrid war is being unfolded by the US ruling elite for control over the global economy, primarily its financial system. Thanks to the privatization of the function of issuing world currency, the American ruling oligarchy has the opportunity to exploit all of humanity by exchanging the fiduciary money it creates for real material goods and assets. For the United States, victory in this war would mean the formation of puppet regimes everywhere, from which not much is required: strict adherence to the recommendations of the IMF on ensuring the openness of the economy and free movement of capital while refusing to create a national system for managing the issue of money; privatization of state enterprises in favor of American corporations; the transfer of control over the media and telecommunications to American agents; acquiring American military equipment and following in the wake of Washington's foreign policy. The American empire does not need to keep occupying troops in the countries under its control: the native ruling elite, trained in the universities of the USA and Great Britain, enthusiastically follows instructions from Washington and receives its share of the income from the exploitation of national wealth by American capital[7]. In exchange, American curators relieve her of the concern for the development of the national economy, which is entrusted to foreign investors.

As the historical experience of many years of US control over Latin American countries shows, it is enough for Washington to keep its agents in the leading positions of the Central Bank, the Ministries of Finance and Foreign Affairs in order to pursue macroeconomic, financial and foreign policy in its own interests, regardless of the heads of state and representative bodies elected by the population. . Typical examples of such occupation in the modern period are the US-controlled multi-state regimes in the New World and Africa, and in Eurasia - in the Middle East, Ukraine, Georgia and the EU[8].

The economic consequences of such a "soft" occupation are comparable to the damage inflicted on the defeated countries during the world wars of the last century. For example, Russia's economic losses during the Yeltsin regime controlled by Washington are comparable to the consequences of Hitler's aggression[9]. Only unlike fascist Germany, which was losing manpower and equipment in the occupied territories, the American ruling elite gained control over trillions of capital exported from the post-Soviet space and assets remaining in it without any losses.

The hybrid nature of the modern world war is manifested, among other features, in the absence of front lines between countries. Combat clashes in the political, informational, monetary and financial dimensions take place inside countries torn apart by antagonistic contradictions between the ruling elite and the people. In Russia, for example, the front line runs between the informal alliance of the comprador oligarchy and the monetary authorities engaged by the Washington financial institutions, on the one hand, and popular patriotic forces, on the other. The former control the "commanding heights" in the financial and information sectors, while the latter rely on the support of the majority of the population and the productive elite of society. And so it is in every country deprived of ideological integrity and a nationwide development strategy.

The American ruling elite is unleashing a global hybrid war in order to maintain its global hegemony by weakening and destroying countries that do not obey it. US intelligence agencies provoke inter-confessional and inter-ethnic conflicts in order to create chaos in the territories not controlled by them. By creating “controlled chaos” by organizing armed conflicts in the zone of natural interests of the leading countries of the world, the US intelligence services first provoke these countries to be drawn into the conflict, and then conduct campaigns to forge coalitions of states against them in order to consolidate their leadership and legitimize the results of the conflict they need. This is how the wars against Iraq, Libya, Serbia, Syria were organized, the Ukrainian provocation with the aim of drawing Russia into the war. At the same time, the United States receives unfair competitive advantages, by cutting off the countries they do not control from promising markets, they create an opportunity to alleviate the burden of public debt by freezing the dollar assets of the losers and justify a multiple increase in their public spending on the development and promotion of new technologies necessary for the growth of the American economy. The overarching goal of this strategy is to organize conflicts between states that the US does not control and that could potentially challenge American dominance.

Due to the regularity of the change in world economic structures, the United States is doomed to defeat in the world hybrid war unleashed by them. They have already lost the trade war with China by quietly curtailing Trump's prohibitive duties on imports of Chinese goods. But the American ruling elite will try to fight for global leadership with all the methods available to it, regardless of international law. However, it has already destroyed the latter: by ignoring WTO rules in the trade war with China; violating the UN Charter by armed aggression in the Balkans and the Middle East, by organizing coup d'état in a number of countries in Europe and South America; IMF Charter - financial sanctions against Russia; engaged in the development of biological weapons, cyberterrorism and the buildup of military presence in other countries and in space, contrary to international conventions; sponsoring religious extremism and neo-Nazism in order to organize and manipulate terrorist organizations; arresting property and kidnapping objectionable citizens of other countries. The question remains, how far can American leaders go in crimes against humanity in an effort to maintain their dominance? And how soon Russia and other countries that have retained their sovereignty will be able to oppose the collective will and joint actions to the organizers of the world hybrid war unleashed against all mankind. how far can American leaders go in crimes against humanity in an effort to maintain their dominance? And how soon Russia and other countries that have retained their sovereignty will be able to oppose the collective will and joint actions to the organizers of the world hybrid war unleashed against all mankind. how far can American leaders go in crimes against humanity in an effort to maintain their dominance? And how soon Russia and other countries that have retained their sovereignty will be able to oppose the collective will and joint actions to the organizers of the world hybrid war unleashed against all mankind.

Let's try to give an objective assessment of the current stage of the global hybrid war, counted from the moment the Special Military Operation (SVO) began, without being too immersive. The beginning of this stage should be considered February 22, 2014, when the United States organized a coup d'état in Ukraine, bringing its agents to power and creating a Russophobic regime under their control with Nazi ideology in Kyiv. Trying to keep within the framework of international law, our ruling elite underestimated the threat emanating from him, turning a blind eye to the genocide of the Russian population living in Ukraine and celebrating reunification with Crimea. Meanwhile, Washington consistently implemented its anti-Russian strategy by training the Ukrainian military, shaping the Russophobic ideology of the Ukrainian state, and consolidating its NATO partners on anti-Russian soil.

Since the end of last year, under the leadership of the American and British intelligence services, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have resumed massive shelling of Donetsk, provoking Russia into an armed conflict. At the same time, all the media controlled by the Americans launched a hysterical campaign about the preparation of a Russian invasion of Ukraine. It marked the transition of the global hybrid war into an escalation mode, which has been steadily growing in recent months, reaching terrorist outbursts on the territory of Russia and a permanent threat of a nuclear catastrophe in half of Europe due to the shelling of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the Armed Forces of Ukraine).

The American power and financial elite is going to unleash a new world war in Europe in order to maintain global leadership in accordance with its archaic geopolitical doctrine. It was formed more than a hundred years ago in the context of the confrontation between Great Britain and the Russian Empire and, in fact, is a scientific manual for seizing control over Eurasia, where Russia is the main rival. The key provision of this doctrine is the concept of the balance of power and the principle of "divide and conquer" that follows from it. The United States is trying to compensate for the weakening of its positions in the global economy by weakening its competitors by fomenting wars between them. Just as decrepit Great Britain, fearing the unification of the economic potentials of the Russian, German and Austro-Hungarian empires, provoked the First World War between them, the United States, fearing the economic integration of China, Russia and the EU, dragged the latter into a conflict with Russia and a trade war with China. However, the policy of provoking world wars, although it makes it possible to weaken the competitors colliding with each other, does not provide the leader of the outgoing world economic preservation of global hegemony. It disappears as a new WSC emerges with a more efficient management system, in the core of which new world leaders are formed. Great Britain, although it remained among the winners of the Second World War provoked by its ruling elite, lost its colonial empire. Also, the unleashing of a war between Russia and NATO by Washington will not prevent the rise of China and India on the wave of the growth of a new technological order, thanks to the mechanisms created in these countries for managing the socio-economic development of the new WCS.

In full accordance with the theory of the replacement of the MCA, objectively, the main beneficiaries of the current stage of the global hybrid war unleashed by the United States are precisely their main competitors who are not participating in the war. We are talking, first of all, about China and India, the trade turnover between Russia and which began to grow sharply after US sanctions. Already in 2021, compared to 2020, the foreign trade of the EAEU with India and China increased by 131.7% and 132.2%, respectively. In January 2022, the Union's foreign trade turnover (by January 2021) increased by 146% with India and 150.7% with China. The West's aggression against Russia is accelerating the transition to a new world economic order in which these countries will play a leading role. The rapid growth of trade between Russia and the EAEU with the countries of Southeast Asia continued after the NWO, despite American threats of secondary sanctions.

All predictive indicators of the state of the American economy indicate a growing crisis. The great stagnation of the American economy[10] is complemented by a sharp deterioration in the state of the financial market[11]. In other words, the “Minsky moment”[12] with the obvious superposition of falling economic and credit cycles is on the way: the collapse of the American debt pyramid will inevitably bury the American geopolitical hegemony. The mass protests on racial grounds that have gripped the United States testify to the antagonistic contradictions between different social groups in American society. Blacks against whites, Christians against the LGBT community, the poor against the rich, Democrats against Trump - all together are undermining a state that is clearly succumbing to the growing chaos.

Even worse is the economic situation in the EU, which, together with the United States, is engulfed in the Great Stagnation due to the compression of the reproductive contours that form the outgoing MCS. Losing, together with the United States, the competition to China and India, the EU is experiencing additional difficulties due to the anti-Russian sanctions imposed by Washington. Due to the deep connection of intracontinental trade with Russia, the macroeconomic dynamics of European countries shows a sharp deterioration. The consumer price index hit double digits. The standard and quality of life of the population of the EU countries are falling sharply, exacerbating the consequences of the migration and covid crises. The loss of the Russian market has a very negative effect on the European economy. But for Washington and London, Europeans, like Ukrainians, are expendable. And also a source of profit in the form of capital flight and brain drain.

In an effort to inflict the maximum possible damage on Russia, Washington, London and Brussels played their main cards: a monopoly on the issuance of world currencies, the image of an exemplary legal democratic state, and belief in the "sacred" right to private property. Thus, they put all countries independent of them in front of the need to search for new global currency instruments, risk insurance mechanisms, restore international law and create their own systems of economic security.

While the US and its NATO satellites have been freezing and confiscating the assets of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Venezuela, Afghanistan, underdeveloped country dictators and drug lords, the rest of the world has not been very worried about the safety of their dollar reserves. Now, after the obviously illegitimate seizure of the assets of a nuclear power, there are hardly any who want to accumulate their reserves in dollars, pounds and euros. Countries independent of Washington have already begun to dump dollar assets, and are also trying to replace the dollar and the euro in mutual trade. From February to May, frontal sales of American Treasuries by non-residents amounted to a record $300 billion. The beginning refusal to use the US dollar and currencies that are in the contour of the dollar-centric system could be fatal both for this entire market, and for the American financial system that forms its core. It is now supported mainly by domestic cash injections, which are transforming into galloping inflation. Russian trophies will not save the financial and economic situation in the United States, which is rapidly deteriorating.

In the long term, anti-Russian sanctions have undermined the global dominance of the US and the EU, which the rest of the world has come to regard with mistrust and apprehension. They dramatically accelerated the transition to a new world economic order and the shift of the center of the world economy to Southeast Asia. Russia needs to withstand the confrontation with the US and NATO, bringing the NWO to its logical end, so as not to be torn between them and China, which is irreversibly becoming the leader of the world economy.

However, the weaker the US position in the world becomes, the more aggressive its ruling elite behaves. Having chosen Russia as the direction of the main blow, they are going to the end in an effort to prove to the whole world their role as a global hegemon. At the current stage, Washington's strategy includes the following components and stages.

To wear down the Russian Armed Forces in a war against the militants of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, well-trained and controlled directly by the Pentagon, "stitched" by the Nazi vertical of officers appointed by the US and British intelligence services. Turn the population of Ukraine into zombies infected with Russophobia. In parallel, turn the world community against Russia, bringing accusations of war crimes and genocide against its leadership. On this basis, confiscate Russia's foreign exchange assets, using them as collateral for loans to the Ukrainian puppet regime for the purchase of American weapons, and impose total sanctions against us, causing the maximum possible damage. This stage is actually completed.
Terrorize the Russian population with shelling of border settlements and military infrastructure facilities, sabotage on transport, hacker attacks, and assassinations of well-known leaders of the patriotic movement. Strike the public mind with a flood of negative fake news and anti-government propaganda through social media. To program the expectations of the ruling elite with catastrophic forecasts of a collapse in production. To impose through their agents of influence in the financial and economic authorities the implementation of an economic policy blocking the mobilization of resources, including: overestimation of interest rates, continued export of capital, encouragement of monetary and financial speculation, manipulation of the ruble exchange rate, price gouging. Thus, to repeatedly aggravate the effect of sanctions and provoke a landslide drop in production and a decline in living standards, sow distrust in the authorities among the general population. This phase is in full swing.
Against the backdrop of falling living standards and losses during the NWO, provoke protest moods and destructive socio-political actions in order to overthrow the legitimate government. Use the entire arsenal of methods for organizing "color revolutions" financed by the comprador oligarchy under the promise to unfreeze the assets seized in the US-European jurisdiction. In parallel - to prepare the organizational and ideological foundations for separatist actions in the regions. This stage is under active development.
The American strategy also provides for the solution of the following tasks:

- Consolidation of US control over the European Union and NATO countries (resolved);

- the use of the armed forces of Poland, Romania and the Baltic states, as well as mercenaries from the countries of the West, the Near and Middle East in military operations against Russia (resolved);

- the destruction of the male population and the conversion of women and children of Ukraine into actual slavery for the subsequent use of this fertile land in their own interests (in the process).

The implementation of this plan, in fact, is aimed at the destruction of the Russian world. Following this, the American "deep state" plans to destroy Iran and blockade China. From the point of view of the American political elite, the latter is still impossible due to its strategic partnership with Russia. The most desirable for the US would be a conflict between Russia and China. Therefore, American agents in Russia spare no effort to whip up Sinophobia, intimidating the townsfolk with a Chinese threat through controlled media, provoking business conflicts and imposing an opinion about the incompatibility of cultures and worldviews of the two peoples. Similarly, in China, American agents of influence are stoking anti-Russian sentiment by stimulating territorial claims against Russia, discrediting Russian power, and distorting the history of relations between the two peoples. Luckily,

The strategic partnership between Russia and China is an insurmountable obstacle for the American ruling elite to establish the world domination of the financial oligarchy. The power of the latter is based on the issue of world money, the possibilities of which are limited by the political will of sovereign states that are able to create and use their national currencies in international cooperation. If China and Russia, together with India and Iran, manage to form a monetary and financial system independent of the dollar, at least for the SCO, the outcome of the global hybrid war will be a foregone conclusion. Without feeding its balance of payments and the state budget deficit with the endless emission of world currency, the American empire will quickly lose its military and political power.

The American ruling elite is greatly concerned about the process of Eurasian economic integration, as well as the development of Russia's cooperation with Iran, India, and the countries of Indochina, despite its truncated format. From the very beginning of the formation of the Customs Union within the framework of the EurAsEC, American apologists for containing Russia have stated that the Russian leadership is striving to revive the USSR in this way, opposing the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union with all its might. Let us recall only the words of the former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at a press conference in Dublin on December 6, 2012, which convey the meaning of American foreign policy as succinctly as possible: “Now steps are being taken to re-Sovietize the region. It will be called differently - the Customs Union, the Eurasian Union and so on. But let's not be deceived. We know,

In the inflamed consciousness of the American ruling elite, Russia is the assembly center of a world independent of the United States and therefore must be, as American opinion leaders say, destroyed, dismembered, and erased[14]. The combination of chronic Russophobia of Anglo-Saxon historiosophy and political science with the desire for universal domination predetermines the anti-Russian focus of the global hybrid war unleashed by the US ruling elite. It is Russia with its Orthodox humanitarian tradition that, according to Anglo-Saxon political technologists, is the main obstacle to the establishment of world domination by the capitalist oligarchy, which already controls the countries of the West. It must be said that this opinion corresponds to the Orthodox consciousness' own conviction about the role of Russia as the last force holding back the world from the coming of the Antichrist.

Indeed, the escalation of Russophobia began in the West after the Russian leadership took a course to preserve the traditional institutions of the family and faith and, more broadly, to protect the universal moral values ​​embedded in the great religions. In the West, power is being seized more and more deeply by sodomites, who seek to destroy all moral guidelines and deprive citizens of any identity - down to gender. Everywhere that Washington-controlled NATO and the EU penetrate, a process of corruption of youth and dehumanization of society is unfolding. Ukraine was no exception, and the NWO is considered by a significant part of the Orthodox community as a protection of the Russian, and in the long run the whole world, from corruption and dehumanization.

Ukrainian trap

Stimulation of Ukrainian separatism has been an invariable component of the policy of Western countries towards Russia for two centuries[15]. Since the 19th century, Western geopoliticians sincerely believe that the separation of Ukraine from Russia is a necessary condition for the strategic defeat of the latter in the eternal confrontation with Western Europe. Brzezinski's well-known formula "Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be an empire" has become the leitmotif of all anti-Russian intrigues of Western countries. Ukraine has become the main object of American geopolitics in the post-Soviet space. Washington spared no money, time and effort to nurture anti-Russian sentiments and forces in post-Soviet Ukraine, consistently piling up hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian schoolchildren and students with internships, grants, conferences, tourist trips, and, finally, recruitment. Drawing Russia into a war against Ukraine has been a long-awaited goal of Anglo-Saxon geopolitics since the collapse of the USSR. This goal has been achieved today by the enemies of the Russian world, despite the fact that until recently it seemed impossible[16]. Tens of millions of Russian people living on different sides of the Russian-Ukrainian border and connected by kinship, compatriot and friendship ties, in a nightmare could not imagine this catastrophe for the entire Russian world. His enemies managed in a very short time to cut the centuries-old roots of the united people of Little, New and Great Russia. living on opposite sides of the Russian-Ukrainian border and connected by family, compatriot and friendly ties, in a nightmare they could not imagine this catastrophe for the entire Russian world. His enemies managed in a very short time to cut the centuries-old roots of the united people of Little, New and Great Russia. living on opposite sides of the Russian-Ukrainian border and connected by family, compatriot and friendly ties, in a nightmare they could not imagine this catastrophe for the entire Russian world. His enemies managed in a very short time to cut the centuries-old roots of the united people of Little, New and Great Russia.

Achieving this goal was the result of Washington's possession of a strategic initiative in relations with Russia and in the post-Soviet space. We allowed the American intelligence services to organize a neo-Nazi Russophobic movement and transfer power to it in Ukraine. We did not take advantage of the illegitimacy of the American puppets, who illegally usurped power to remove Southern and Eastern Ukraine from the jurisdiction of Kyiv, the population of which then aspired to Russia, limiting itself to reunification with Crimea. This option suited Washington perfectly: long before this event, the same Brzezinski was worried about creating lines of tension between the population of Ukraine and Russia, considering the annexation of Crimea to Russia as a desirable scenario for Washington. In his opinion,

So let's not flatter ourselves: this historical event that gave rise to the Russian Spring was part of the American scenario of setting the Ukrainian population against Russia.

If the persons involved in making strategic decisions did not follow the lead of Western politicians who persuaded not to invade Eastern Ukraine under a false promise to recognize Crimea as ours and the feigned threats of a world war, and the Russian spring would continue with the creation of Novorossiya, then we would have seized the strategic initiative and deprived the main industrial and human base, the neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine would not pose a serious threat. However, all our arguments in support of this decision turned out to be less significant than the lies of the Western "partners". The refusal to liberate the South and East of Ukraine, whose population sincerely believed in us and aspired to Russia after the Crimea, became our strategic and fatal mistake for millions of Russians in Ukraine. Left to the mercy of Russophobic neo-Nazis, the Russian population of Ukraine perceived this as a betrayal,

The Russian population of Donbass itself, against our political will, rebelled against the neo-Nazi regime. Only 8 years later, we decided to recognize the independence of the DPR and LPR from him under the threat of an invasion by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. During these 8 years in the battles in the Donbass, American and British instructors taught the art of war and fired at tens of thousands of young Ukrainians, forcing them to fight the Russians as part of the so-called Anti-Terrorist Operation. Every Ukrainian soldier who was under fire from Russian weapons received a powerful Russophobic leaven, especially if he saw the death of his comrades. We could have put an end to this back in 2014, when the core of the Armed Forces of Ukraine ended up in the Ilovaisk boiler. The transfer of the liberation of the DPR and LPR to the regime of the Minsk agreements, under the cover of which the militarization and nazification of Ukraine was in full swing, as well as the open genocide of its Russian population,

Eight years turned out to be enough time for the US and Britain to be able to prepare the Armed Forces of Ukraine for a full-scale war with Russia, train the command and officer staff in a Russophobic spirit, incorporating Nazis and bandits of all stripes into it, and also build technologies for direct control of Ukrainian commanders by the Pentagon. It is worth recalling that it took Hitler, supported by the same Britain and the USA, the same 8 years to turn the culturally developed population of Germany into a militaristic machine obsessed with a national superiority complex. The six principles of propaganda according to Goebbels (who is credited with the phrase: "give me the media, and I will make a herd of pigs out of any people") - scope, simplicity, concentration, monotony, emotionality - a lie (said 100 times becomes the truth) and shock (the more monstrous the lie , the more willingly they believe in it), formed the basis of the information policy of the media controlled by Washington in Ukraine. In rabid lies about the "overpowered" the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the shelling of residential areas, and now the Zaporizhzhya NPP, Zelensky far surpassed Goebbels. He lies brazenly, continuously, artistically and on a large scale. The propaganda machine set up by the American intelligence services skillfully drives Zelensky’s lies into the public consciousness of Ukraine and NATO countries, keeping him in a state of hysterical Russophobia.

The principles of severe ideological pressure worked out in Nazi Germany were introduced into the system of Ukrainian education in order to educate primitive-minded mankurts who had a national superiority complex and hated Russia. The Security Service of Ukraine has been turned into a branch of the CIA and is set to perform the same functions as the Nazi Gestapo in terms of repressions against the Russian population disloyal to the Nazis. In the 8th year of the American occupation, Ukrainian youth was trained in an anti-Russian spirit, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine were already sufficiently prepared for the invasion of Donbass. Washington, after the shameful flight from Afghanistan and the defeat in the trade war with China, the fiasco in biological warfare using the coronavirus created by the Pentagon, needed a new round of global hybrid warfare.

The mobilization of the population of Ukraine against Russia and the training of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were carried out carefully and consistently. Separation of Ukraine from the Russian world and its transformation into the main anti-Russian foothold was seen by the United States as a necessary condition for the weakening of Russia and its subsequent defeat in the global hybrid war planned by Washington.

It must be admitted that we fell for all the provocations of Washington and, on our part, erected a simmetric barriers that contribute to this separation. The Nazi regime closes transport links with Russia, we are doing the same symmetrically. They impose sanctions against our enterprises, we respond in kind. They withdraw from the CIS agreements, we terminate the free trade regime and introduce protective import duties. At the same time, among others, public figures oriented toward Russia and enterprises operating in our market with predominantly Russian personnel fell under Russian sanctions. Thus, we helped the enemy isolate the population of Ukraine from Russia, break cooperation ties, deprive people oriented towards Russia of work. And they multiplied the damage from the termination of trade and economic cooperation with Ukraine.

The use of symmetrical sanctions between our countries had catastrophic social consequences for Ukraine, where the standard of living of the population fell by half. But the economic losses of Russia in the three years after the coup in Kyiv, according to competent experts, ranged from 70 to 150 billion dollars, and more broadly, taking into account the unused opportunities for the development of broad industrial cooperation - up to 400 billion dollars.[17] . The difference with the lost scenario of bloodless support for the creation of Novorossia from eight regions of the South and East of Ukraine, taking into account the expected positive effect of $100 billion, is thus more than $200 billion directly, not to mention the 20 million Russian people abandoned us to the mercy of Russophobic neo-Nazis. Such is the price of the lack of strategic initiative. The substitution of real work to protect the Russian population of Ukraine from genocide by the Nazi regime with the imitation of negotiations in Minsk allowed the American intelligence services to successfully implement their strategy of turning Ukraine into a springboard for the war against Russia. The final act of this preparatory work was the provocation of our invasion by the increasing shelling of Donetsk.

Reflexive control

It must be admitted that we were not ready for a sharp aggravation of American aggressiveness. The consistent escalation of anti-Russian sanctions did not cause much damage to the Russian economy and did not cause much concern among the ruling elite. The latter continued to parasitize on super profits from the export of raw materials, and the departure of foreign creditors and speculators affected a small part of the domestic market. The monetary authorities continued to condone the export of capital and the buildup of state foreign exchange reserves in the bonds of the United States and its NATO allies. The oligarchs did not want to abandon the use of the dollar and the euro in foreign economic activity. The population got used to the long-term systemic crisis of the economy and put up with the lack of growth in real incomes. Attributing the protracted stagnation to sanctions and explaining them as

Meanwhile, adherents of the Washington Consensus in the Central Bank pursued a consistent policy of strangling the Russian economy, blocking lending for investments necessary for its modernization and building up its military-industrial potential. Since 2014, the Bank of Russia, strictly following the recommendations of the Washington financial institutions, has been consistently withdrawing money from the economy, holding back its development. 12 trillion rub. credit resources that could have been used to finance investments were withdrawn by the Central Bank from the banking system during this period in addition to several trillion rubles withdrawn by the Ministry of Finance of oil and gas revenues under the “budget rule”. This policy of withdrawing money from the economy continues by the Bank of Russia to this day. In the monetary program for the next three years, it is planned to maintain the debt of the Central Bank to the banking system and the government in the amount of 14 trillion. rubles[18].

Playing along with Washington, the monetary authorities attributed the eight-year stagnation of the Russian economy and incomes of the population to sanctions. In fact, the reason for this stagnation was the policy of the Bank of Russia, carried out according to the recipes of the Washington financial institutions. The damage from it is 30 trillion GDP shortfalls, including 20 trillion. rub. unmade investments, compared with the trend of economic growth in the period preceding the emergence of the current leadership of the Bank of Russia with its policy of “targeting” inflation[19]. Sanctions account for no more than 10% of this damage[20]. To it should be added half a trillion dollars of capital exported during this period.

The Bank of Russia, with its policy of floating the ruble and overstating interest rates, played along with the sanctions, allowing speculative attacks against the ruble to be organized, followed by its devaluation, bursts of inflation and waves of compression of credit to the real sector of the economy. The leadership of the Bank of Russia announced the transition to this policy just before the imposition of financial sanctions by Washington after the reunification with Crimea. In fact, it was the transition to a floating ruble exchange rate regime and an increase in the key rate under the pretext of “targeting” inflation that became a necessary prerequisite for the US to impose anti-Russian sanctions in the financial sector[21].

The United States does not need to restrain Russia, since its own monetary authorities are effectively doing this, making our country a donor of capital, brains and natural resources. The leadership of the Bank of Russia remains a consistent conductor of the policy of the Washington financial institutions, blocking the economic development of Russia and the possibility of mobilizing resources necessary for the Victory. The meaning of the American provocation to involve us in a military operation against Ukraine is not to contain Russia and not even damage it, but to destroy it itself along with the entire Russian world. The American puppeteers do not even hide this, openly setting the task of turning the NMD into an analogue of the USSR military operation against Afghanistan, which played the role of a trigger for starting the process of the collapse of the USSR.

In control theory, there is such a thing as reflexive control[22]. It consists in imposing a false image on the enemy in order to provoke him into making a decision that is unfavorable for him. According to the definition of Wikipedia, “Reflexive control is the influence on the decisions made by the enemy through slipping (imposing) on ​​him such initial premises, on the basis of which he acts in the manner desired for the manipulator.” Any deceitful movements, provocations and intrigues, disguises, jokes, creation of false objects (and lies in general in any context) are included in the arsenal of reflexive control methods. Reflexive governance has been repeatedly used by Western "partners" as an effective weapon against Russian statehood, starting with the Great Troubles. In Orthodox Russia, which for centuries stood on the idea of ​​"God is not in power, but in Truth", rulers have more than once become victims of manipulation and deceit by Western partners, for whom lies are a constantly used tool in the struggle to achieve their interests. Western politicians, military leaders, businessmen constantly resorted to deceit as the easiest way to achieve their goals (by principle, all means are good). And every time the leadership of our country was led by Anglo-Saxon intrigues, it ended in disaster. As the Russian geopolitician Aleksey Edrikhin (Vandam) wisely remarked: “Worse than enmity with the Anglo-Saxons, there can be only one thing - friendship with him”[23]. businessmen constantly resorted to deception as the easiest way to achieve their goals (by principle, all means are good). And every time the leadership of our country was led by Anglo-Saxon intrigues, it ended in disaster. As the Russian geopolitician Aleksey Edrikhin (Vandam) wisely remarked: “Worse than enmity with the Anglo-Saxons, there can be only one thing - friendship with him”[23]. businessmen constantly resorted to deception as the easiest way to achieve their goals (by principle, all means are good). And every time the leadership of our country was led by Anglo-Saxon intrigues, it ended in disaster. As the Russian geopolitician Aleksey Edrikhin (Vandam) wisely remarked: “Worse than enmity with the Anglo-Saxons, there can be only one thing - friendship with him”[23].

Obviously, highly moral and respectable, but at the same time naive and not experienced in the intricacies of systemic confrontation and stratagems of economic and political competition, leaders are especially easy to reflexive management. Measuring partners and subordinates by themselves, they trust them, perceiving them as sincere, sincere and respectable people. A striking example of this kind is the consent of Nicholas II to conduct a general mobilization, which provoked the First World War. It is known that among the military leaders and politicians who sought this decision from the Tsar, the leading role was played by British agents of influence, Masons, who overthrew him 2.5 years after the start of the war. By a combination of external and internal circumstances, London provoked Nicholas II to make a fatal decision. In foreign policy, British agents, through the hands of Serbian nationalists, killed Archduke Ferdinand, who sympathized with Russia and the Slavs, provoking an attack by Austria-Hungary on Serbia. In domestic politics, the generals and deputies of the State Duma, who were members of the Western Masonic lodges, staged a patriotic psychosis, demanding that the tsar immediately stand up for fraternal Serbia. Under the influence of a sense of duty, patriotic sentiments and emotions, Nicholas II made a fatal decision for himself and the country, the catastrophic consequences of which he was repeatedly warned by the true patriots of Russia (Stolypin, Durnovo, Rasputin and many others). In domestic politics, the generals and deputies of the State Duma, who were members of the Western Masonic lodges, staged a patriotic psychosis, demanding that the tsar immediately stand up for fraternal Serbia. Under the influence of a sense of duty, patriotic sentiments and emotions, Nicholas II made a fatal decision for himself and the country, the catastrophic consequences of which he was repeatedly warned by the true patriots of Russia (Stolypin, Durnovo, Rasputin and many others). In domestic politics, the generals and deputies of the State Duma, who were members of the Western Masonic lodges, staged a patriotic psychosis, demanding that the tsar immediately stand up for fraternal Serbia. Under the influence of a sense of duty, patriotic sentiments and emotions, Nicholas II made a fatal decision for himself and the country, the catastrophic consequences of which he was repeatedly warned by the true patriots of Russia (Stolypin, Durnovo, Rasputin and many others).

Another striking example of reflexive management is the manipulation of Gorbachev by "Western partners" (Reagan, Thatcher, Trudeau Sr., Pope John Paul II (Polish Karol Jozef Wojtyla) and their internal agents of influence (Yakovlev, Shevardnadze, etc.), who created in his head is a sequence of destructive goals-images that destroyed the USSR, the implementation of which caused chaos and the destruction of the reproductive contours of the Soviet state system.While Gorbachev was following the lead of the American agents, the "foremen of perestroika", the CIA was implementing with his hands a daring plan to destroy the foundations of the Soviet statehood.Just now the last general secretary and gravedigger of the CPSU, who had gone into the world, did not realize his role as a puppet of the American special services.

Using Gorbachev's penchant for flattery and narcissism, his desire to please the "Western partners", the agents of the latter inflated his conceit in every possible way, inclining him to decisions that would be fatal for the control system. At the same time, the American intelligence services were preparing another object of reflexive control for the interception of power - Yeltsin, who was eager to gain it at any cost, forming his populist image. As soon as the chaos created by Gorbachev led to the introduction of a state of emergency, on command from Washington, Yeltsin went to intercept power. Deprived of guidelines, the power structures did not interfere with this, acting as extras for the collapse of the state. Like Nicholas II, Gorbachev was overthrown by his subordinates recruited by "Western partners", overwhelmed by the lust for power.

The entire American operation to seize control over Ukraine in order to form a springboard for Russophobic forces was also (according to the canons of reflexive control) based on the deception of the Russian leadership. The first signs in the form of the "orange revolution" flew by to the accompaniment of populist slogans to combat corruption. We chose not to notice the obvious signs of Nazism in the ideology of the Orange Revolution organized by American agents and turned a blind eye to the coup d'état in Ukraine in 2004, as a result of which neo-Nazis bred by American special services broke through to power for the first time. In the Russian ruling elite, American agents of influence formed two complementary opinions. According to the first, Ukraine without Russia will "bend" and, sooner or later, will crawl itself. According to the second, Ukraine is a burden for Russia and “let it join NATO” to its detriment. Our leadership for a long time hoped that common sense would overcome the Nazi bias in the minds of the Ukrainian ruling elite and turned a blind eye to Nazi propaganda and the introduction of Russophobic programs in school education, which continued under Yanukovych, whom we considered our boyfriend.

We continued to let ourselves be deceived by the “Western partners” until the 2014 coup d'état, taking their word for it on their promises not to overthrow legitimate President Yanukovych by forces controlled by the Nazis. For some reason, we believed them even after they recognized the Nazi criminals who had usurped power as legitimate authorities. Not wanting to change anything, our ruling elite willingly believed the assurances of recognizing Crimea as Russian, provided that we do not liberate Eastern Ukraine. We have been drawn into endless discussions of the meaningless Minsk agreements, naively relying on the desire of our Western partners to implement them. Thus, we missed the strategic initiative and allowed the de facto legitimization of the Nazi regime in Ukraine, giving the Russian population of Ukraine to be torn apart and fooled by the Nazis trained by the American-British special services. We pretended that this did not concern us in the calculation that, under the weight of a deep socio-economic crisis, the population itself would overthrow the Russophobic regime. The latter, however, declared us to be the culprits of this crisis and, following the principles of Goebbels, fashioned the image of an enemy of the Ukrainian people from Russia in the state information policy.

Having achieved our non-interference in the internal affairs of Ukraine, the Western "partners", having rolled up their sleeves, set about preparing the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Total Russophobia gripped all the media, the sphere of culture and education. Repressions, up to and including murder, were subjected not only to those who spoke with sympathy for Russia, but also to public figures who simply rejected Nazism. The army was modernized and prepared for war with Russia by American law enforcement agencies and British instructors. All the time after the coup d'état, the Western "partners" carried out intensive propaganda work with the youth, trained the population of Ukraine for the war with Russia. Eight years turned out to be enough to grow a combat-ready Armed Forces of Ukraine and approve, based on the work done earlier, the Nazi worldview.

Since the end of last year, Washington and London have embarked on a course of fomenting a war between Ukraine and Russia, creating a sense of the impending attack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the DPR and LPR. It is probable that this attack would have taken place if we had not struck first. As our President once said in another situation, if a fight is inevitable, you must strike first[24]. In making a decision on the NMD, there is a desire to prevent a repetition of the situation on June 22, 1941, when, despite information about the impending German invasion from various sources, Stalin did not take the necessary measures to prepare for its reflection. Although our military doctrine proceeded precisely from his installation to quickly repel aggression and transfer military operations to enemy territory, in reality the Nazis, using the surprise factor, destroyed in the first days of the war a significant part of the park of our military equipment and owned the strategic initiative right up to the counteroffensive of our troops near Moscow. This also showed reflexive management on the part of already German diplomacy and intelligence.

Strike first creates clear advantages in the short term, but creates serious risks in the medium term if the goal of the operation is not achieved quickly. A preemptive strike provides a short-term strategic initiative in the military sphere, but creates problems in the diplomatic, legal and foreign economic spheres. The effect of a preventive military operation decreases as the enemy manages to find allies in repulsing the invasion and is completely leveled when the strategic initiative is lost. In this case, the enemy did not need to look for allies, since the Ukrainian regime is inherently puppet and relies solely on the support of the United States, NATO and the EU. And they were so well prepared for the invasion of the Russian Armed Forces,

Confidence in the rapid collapse of the Russophobic regime and the support of the local Russian population, as well as data from the field from informants and the “leaks” of opinions of American military analysts about the hopeless position of the Ukrainian army in the event of a war with Russia, widely disseminated in the media, created false illusions about a possible blitzkrieg. However, the real leadership of Ukraine is carried out from Washington, where the special services carefully prepared numerous traps in case of our invasion. The United States and its allies withdrew their embassies from the Ukrainian capital in advance, prepared the media and tuned world public opinion to the expectation of a Russian invasion, organized military intelligence and set up ambushes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine along the routes of our armored vehicles. Summed up under pre-prepared sanctions,

It is obvious that Washington expected and wanted our invasion, which allowed the United States to transfer the world hybrid war into the mode of consolidating all the resources of the West under its leadership. Never before has Russophobia in Europe reached such intensity. Russia was drawn into a war with the entire West according to the American-British scenario.

By manipulating decision-making factors in key areas of Russian politics for its interests with the help of reflexive management tools, Washington is successfully implementing its geopolitical strategy. To date, the United States has achieved:

- the consolidation of almost all Western countries against Russia (the total number of countries unfriendly to us has reached 49);

- subordinating the political elite of European countries to their influence, manipulating the EU, crowding out Russian exports with their alternative supplies, oil, gas and other goods;

- the formation of anti-Russian public opinion by the world media;

- the arrest of Russian state foreign exchange reserves in the amount of $400 billion, which, from a macroeconomic point of view, more than compensates for their loans to Ukraine for the supply of military equipment;

— a precedent for creating a legislative basis for the confiscation of assets of Russian individuals and legal entities in Canada and London, which can be extended to all Russian assets in American and European jurisdictions totaling more than 1 trillion. Doll.;

- growth in the production of military equipment and high-tech products supplied by NATO countries to replace Soviet-made equipment sent to Ukraine, as well as free disposal of obsolete equipment and ammunition on the territory of Ukraine;

- consolidation of the population of Ukraine on anti-Russian soil;

- a sharp weakening of the positions of the Moscow Patriarchate, the last institution that binds our peoples - the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Assuming that the seized Russian assets are confiscated, then the net profit of the United States and its allies, minus loans to Ukraine for the purchase of military equipment from stocks and its replacement at the expense of its own production, during this operation is more than 0.5 trillion. In the short term, the United States achieved its goals at zero cost and without loss, except for the deaths of several hundred mercenaries. The war against Russia is being waged through the arrest and subsequent possible confiscation of Russian assets, Russian weapons, and the Ukrainian male population turned into a riot by the forces of the American special services. The loss of manpower of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for Washington is nothing more than a consumable. The war in Europe has always been considered a "good war" in the United States, and they will undoubtedly strive to prolong it as much as possible.

Let us now turn to an assessment of the current situation, based on the stated goals of the NWO. So far, none of them has been achieved. Worse, their achievement has become much more difficult. The number of victims among the Ukrainian population, repeatedly exaggerated by local media, is consolidating public consciousness on the basis of hatred for Russia. And taking into account the huge number of false staged videos with stories invented by journalists about the "atrocities" of the Russian military, it brings the consciousness of Ukrainians to a real anti-Russian psychosis. With every killed Ukrainian, the degree of Russophobia rises. Faced with the death of their relatives from Russian weapons, even many of our supporters, who consider themselves Russian people and strive for reunification with Russia, become Russophobes. It came to the ban on Russian culture and language, condemnation of our actions by a significant part of the Orthodox clergy. As the NWO drags on, instead of denazification, we get de-Russification of Ukraine in the territory controlled by Kyiv.

Instead of the demilitarization of Ukraine, we have a total mobilization for the war against Russia of the entire male population, including criminals released from prisons to the front. The retired old equipment is being replaced by a new one, the intensity of military operations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is not decreasing. English, American, Polish, Canadian instructors train conscripts. Ukraine's ties with NATO are being strengthened, providing it with constant all-round support.

At the same time, Russia suffers significant losses. Leaving the scope of this material for the loss of personnel and equipment of our Armed Forces, as well as reputational losses in the public consciousness of other countries, let us dwell on their economic component, including the brain drain. Tens of thousands of highly qualified specialists, especially in the field of information technology, have left the country. Many productions controlled by residents of unfriendly countries have been stopped. Cooperation and scientific and technical ties with European countries, which accounted for about 45% of our foreign trade turnover and more than half of the R&D results used by our industry, have been broken. And finally, the foreign exchange reserves mentioned above.

Due to the strange negligence of the leadership of the Bank of Russia, state foreign exchange reserves were arrested, which should have long ago been withdrawn from US bonds and their NATO satellites. Immediately after the introduction of the first US sanctions in 2014, the leadership of the Bank of Russia was given a direct order to withdraw foreign exchange reserves from the obligations of NATO countries and debt instruments denominated in dollars, euros and pounds. The justification for the need for this step was, in particular, given in the book mentioned above, published in 2016[25]. It is bewildering that the Bank of Russia has been building up investments in dollars and euros after the start of the NWO. Until now, exports for the currencies of unfriendly countries continue, although for more than a decade there has been talk about the need to switch to settlements in national currencies. The Central Bank is still unwilling to buy gold at the market price, provoking its export abroad. It is obvious that our monetary authorities are in the cognitive trap of reflexive control.

In full accordance with the principles of reflexive management, our geopolitical opponents are imposing on us a false picture of prosperity in the macroeconomic sphere. The laudatory reviews of Western analysts about the activities of the Bank of Russia to “save” the Russian economy from hellish sanctions are widely circulated in our media, which are biased by the enemy, cause emotion. American agents of influence convincingly talk about the resilience of the economy to sanctions and the well-thought-out policy of the Central Bank. In fact, macroeconomic stabilization occurred due to the self-exclusion of the Bank of Russia from the foreign exchange market. This made the long-term negative role of the Bank of Russia in the monetary and financial sphere obvious. As soon as the arrest of foreign exchange reserves and the prohibition of settlements in the currencies of Western countries blocked the export of capital, the ruble went up under the pressure of the trade surplus. It only follows from this that it was the Bank of Russia that played against the ruble, facilitating the export of capital and manipulating its exchange rate by speculators. Its leadership continues to do this even now, trying to find ways to circumvent sanctions in order to export capital from Russia, exposing it to the threat of confiscation as part of anti-Russian sanctions. In particular, he suggests that exporters leave foreign exchange earnings abroad, abolishing their mandatory sale. The Ministry of Finance is going to restore the Budget Rule, according to which up to 10% of GDP of oil and gas budget revenues, now arrested by the enemy, were transferred to foreign exchange reserves abroad. And at the same time he proposes to sequester spending on R&D and industrial modernization. In other words, it is proposed to cut spending vital for the defense and development of the country in order to withdraw and freeze oil and gas revenues again. Savings deposits in dollars, euros and pounds are still guaranteed by the Bank of Russia. The latter consistently restores the freedom to purchase and export these currencies. Contrary to the unambiguous instructions of the head of state, the currency control authorities turn a blind eye to the sale of Russian assets by owners from unfriendly countries. The continued exploitation of our natural resources by American capital and the state is puzzling. In particular, the US Treasury continues to manage Rusal, which they put under control by taking it from the owners illegally with the connivance of the Russian state. The largest Siberian hydroelectric power plants and aluminum plants are still working for the enemy. And this is also an illustration of the reflexive control used against us. We are being skillfully imposed with a monetary policy that meets the interests of our opponents. We ingenuously believe the Western experts who praise it and not only do not mobilize resources to achieve Victory, but also continue to squander them, including in favor of the enemy.

Remaining the object of reflexive control, constantly making decisions harmful to us imposed by the enemy and losing the strategic initiative, we have no chance of success. This applies to both the economy and the military sphere.

We could quite easily, even without the participation of the Russian Armed Forces, using exclusively local militia forces, liberate the entire South and East of Ukraine in 2014. Not only in the Donbass, but also in Kharkiv, the authorities were under the control of forces friendly to us. In Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson and Zaporozhye, the Russian people were waiting for the signal to rise up against the Nazi junta and join Russia after the Crimea. All we needed was political support. The commanders of the units of the Ukrainian army were ready to serve in the Russian Armed Forces. American agents of influence were sitting on their suitcases, ready to escape from Kyiv at any moment with such a development of events. In Washington, political scientists argued where our liberation of Ukraine would stop - on the Dnieper, on the Zbruch or in the Baltic states. But,

And now, having started the NMD on the basis of false ideas planted by agents of influence of unfriendly countries about the low combat capability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the pro-Russian state of public consciousness in Ukraine and the underestimation of the enemy’s ability to consolidate the forces of the West against Russia, we remain captive to reflexive control by the enemy, continuing to harm ourselves exactly what he wants from us. Both in monetary and defense policy. To survive in the fight against the enemy, which is an order of magnitude superior to us in terms of financial, economic and technological power, it is necessary to mobilize all the resources available in the country. Until now, we are irretrievably losing them: the drain of brains and capital continues (65 billion dollars in the first quarter of 2022); export of natural resources; half of the production capacity is idle. Underestimating the threats of the global hybrid war waged against us by the combined forces of the West and limiting ourselves to the framework of the NMD, we become like a dog that bites a bandit's stick instead of grabbing his throat. All talk about strikes against decision-making centers is not supported by deeds, and the population of Kherson and Zaporozhye regions is justifiably afraid of a repeat of the situation in 2014. Against the backdrop of monstrous losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, American agents in Kyiv feel great, openly indulging in entertainment and counting profits.

Of course, Ukraine, including its Russian population, is currently bearing the greatest losses. But the losses of Ukraine are not our gains, but the senseless death of thousands of people and the destruction of material values ​​in the Russian world. If we proceed from the thesis that Russians and Ukrainians are one people, as our President has repeatedly said, then these losses should be added to ours. Not all killed Ukrainians are convinced Nazis. Most of the soldiers were forcibly mobilized from all Russian regions of Ukraine, which we did not liberate in 2014. We will have to restore the cities destroyed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Those of our commentators who assert that time is working for us and the enemy is exhausted are profoundly mistaken. Everything is exactly the opposite. Our main adversary - the United States - in this war covers its expenses at our expense, while receiving considerable profits and strengthening its position in the world. The United States has nothing to lose by dragging out the war. On the contrary, every day of the war brings new profits to the corporations of the American military-industrial complex by placing new orders for military equipment, financed by loans to Ukraine, secured by our foreign exchange reserves. At our expense, they are modernizing their armed forces and military industry. Mercenaries recruited in different countries of the world for the war with Russia are paid in the same way. The losses of the Russian world are very serious. Every day, judging by Russian media reports and expert assessments, in total, about a thousand healthy men die or become disabled on both sides. About 6 million women and children left Ukraine for the West. Many of them will forever remain there, including settling on the social bottom, having lost their future. Thus, if the Russian world suffers human and material losses every day of hostilities, then the United States does not suffer any losses and only earns on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Therefore, they seek to drag it out for the maximum period, including by holding back the mobilization of our forces through the methods of reflexive control. American agents of influence in the EU leadership are blocking any peace initiatives, demanding that the Kyiv puppets deal with Russia on the battlefield[26]. At the same time, almost all leaders of Western countries declare that they will not allow Russia to win.

And what does this victory mean for us? Without a clear answer to this question, it is impossible to acquire a strategic initiative and escape from the trap of reflexive management. The goals of denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine declared at the beginning of the SVO did not cause a patriotic upsurge in Russian society. The daily reports of the Ministry of Defense on the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are beginning to tire the public consciousness, which was expecting a quick Victory. Its symbol in the liberated territories was the image of the Red Banner, which flew over the Reichstag 77 years ago, with which an old grandmother met our liberators and which the Ukrainian Nazi began to trample on.

To create the image of a new Victory, it is necessary to completely restore the formula: “Our cause is just. The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours". But victory is not winning the game. Without a clear image of the enemy, without a plan for its complete defeat and unconditional surrender, there is no Victory in a war - only a truce. Yes, and our “just cause” needs to be clearly described: not just the fight against Nazism and Russophobia, but the liberation of the entire Russian world and other peoples enslaved by the “iron heel” of the financial oligarchy in Europe, America and around the world; saving the world from dehumanization and, in fact, the decomposition of human civilization. The financial oligarchy aspiring to world domination does not hide its goal to destroy and erase Russia. These are not simple threats, but an existential challenge to the Russian world. Remembering their colonial past, the peoples of Asia, Africa,

The balance of forces and the mobilization of

the Armed Forces of Ukraine over the past eight years have been turned into a military vanguard of NATO, aimed against Russia and receiving priority supply, information and financial support. The calculation of the multiple superiority of the power of our weapons and the underestimation of the enemy's ability to resist created the illusion of an easy victory. And today they continue to lull us to sleep with the exhaustion of the West's ability to supply weapons and, moreover, manpower to Ukraine. Meanwhile, NATO's defense budget is an order of magnitude higher than Russia's. For the military equipment fleet, the ratio is similar, with the exception of nuclear weapons, for which we maintain parity. This does not mean the same balance of power on the battlefield. No less important is the fighting spirit, the moral and volitional qualities of servicemen, their motivation and the ability to use complex equipment.

We have no doubts about the moral and volitional qualities of our army and the fighters of the DPR and LPR, they are beyond praise. But, assessing the motivation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, we sometimes take wishful thinking. The moral and volitional qualities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine should be assessed by the number of those who surrender. So far, in the structure of losses of their personnel, the share of those who surrender is less than 10%. That is, the vast majority of fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine prefer death or injury instead of surrender. In a situation of an objectively hopeless situation for the Ukrainian army, this cannot but cause surprise. Apparently, the fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not consider their position as such, and they are also afraid to face bullying and torture in captivity.

Our inability to convince the Ukrainian military to save their lives shows the weakness of our propaganda machine. After all, if our main goal is not to destroy Ukrainian citizens liable for military service, but to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine, then the main emphasis should be on propaganda and agitation, the effectiveness of which is determined by credibility and validity from a socio-psychological point of view. We do not have this justification, at least scientific. There is no convincing ideology. There is also a lack of qualified personnel, especially in the management of state media. The leadership of our propaganda machine does not bother to search for meanings, pouring on the heads of citizens streams of one-sided information and unconvincing emotions that incite hatred for the people of Ukraine. Our propaganda machine as far as can be judged from the content of the state media, is also the object of reflexive control by the enemy. Instead of creating a positive image of the Russian world, she discredits it with obscene attacks by pro-Western showmen. Instead of striving to achieve the goal of denazification of Ukraine, the producers of federal channels continue to whip up hatred towards it, inviting paid clowns and rabid Nazis to their talk shows. Instead of constructing a brighter future, our media exploits the fear of the present. Meanwhile, judging by the intensity of Russophobia both in Ukraine and in the world, the enemy on the information front clearly has the initiative and dominates almost all of its sectors, except for the Russian official media segment and patriotic bloggers. is also an object of reflexive control by the enemy. Instead of creating a positive image of the Russian world, she discredits it with obscene attacks by pro-Western showmen. Instead of striving to achieve the goal of denazification of Ukraine, the producers of federal channels continue to whip up hatred towards it, inviting paid clowns and rabid Nazis to their talk shows. Instead of constructing a brighter future, our media exploits the fear of the present. Meanwhile, judging by the intensity of Russophobia both in Ukraine and in the world, the enemy on the information front clearly has the initiative and dominates almost all of its sectors, except for the Russian official media segment and patriotic bloggers. is also an object of reflexive control by the enemy. Instead of creating a positive image of the Russian world, she discredits it with obscene attacks by pro-Western showmen. Instead of striving to achieve the goal of denazification of Ukraine, the producers of federal channels continue to whip up hatred towards it, inviting paid clowns and rabid Nazis to their talk shows. Instead of constructing a brighter future, our media exploits the fear of the present. Meanwhile, judging by the intensity of Russophobia both in Ukraine and in the world, the enemy on the information front clearly has the initiative and dominates almost all of its sectors, except for the Russian official media segment and patriotic bloggers. Instead of striving to achieve the goal of denazification of Ukraine, the producers of federal channels continue to whip up hatred towards it, inviting paid clowns and rabid Nazis to their talk shows. Instead of constructing a brighter future, our media exploits the fear of the present. Meanwhile, judging by the intensity of Russophobia both in Ukraine and in the world, the enemy on the information front clearly has the initiative and dominates almost all of its sectors, except for the Russian official media segment and patriotic bloggers. Instead of striving to achieve the goal of denazification of Ukraine, the producers of federal channels continue to whip up hatred towards it, inviting paid clowns and rabid Nazis to their talk shows. Instead of constructing a brighter future, our media exploits the fear of the present. Meanwhile, judging by the intensity of Russophobia both in Ukraine and in the world, the enemy on the information front clearly has the initiative and dominates almost all of its sectors, except for the Russian official media segment and patriotic bloggers.

We have already mentioned losses on the financial and economic front: state and significant private foreign exchange reserves have been arrested, payments with many countries have been blocked, the reproduction of the economy is facing a shortage of imported components, raw materials, instruments and equipment. However, instead of proposing measures to mobilize available free resources, economic departments, following the Washington financial institutions, draw gloomy forecasts of a fall in GDP, investment and household income by 6-10% this year, with an objective possibility to maintain GDP growth rates at last year's level. Thus, they increase the damage from anti-Russian sanctions, programming the collapse of the Russian economy and driving themselves and the country into the trap of reflexive governance.

At the same time, the Russian economy is operating at half its capacity due to an overly tight monetary policy. Insufficient supply of credit does not allow linking about 40% of production capacity in the process of reproduction. In mechanical engineering, 60-70% of production capacities are idle due to the lack of opportunities for lending to working capital. The absence of a long-term loan makes it impossible to finance the creation of capital-intensive processing industries in the oil and gas chemistry, forestry and other manufacturing industries. The enormous growth potential of the Russian economy is being lost along with exports of raw materials, which account for 80% of production. Along with the underutilization of production capacities, industrial enterprises have up to 20% of reserves for increasing labor productivity. The scientific and technical potential is also not used to the proper extent, judging by the ongoing emigration of scientists and engineers. In other words, the Russian economy today has no growth restrictions on factors of production. The only limitation is the barrier in access to credit artificially created by the Bank of Russia. The available resource potential makes it possible to ensure an increase in output by 8%, and investments - by 20% in the implementation of a scientifically based economic policy, which provides for the implementation of the strategy of advanced development developed by us in the Russian Academy of Sciences long ago[27].

The implementation of the accelerated development strategy and the simultaneous provision of national security tasks should include the following measures aimed at mobilizing available resources.

Development of a strategic plan for the mobilization of available resources in order to accelerate the development of the economy based on a new technological order and provide the Armed Forces and the population with the necessary goods. Adoption of a legal framework for its implementation. The implementation of this plan should be based on public-private partnership. To be financed by the Bank of Russia through special refinancing instruments of authorized commercial banks, which must bring targeted loans to enterprises under contracts agreed with the relevant departments for the production of products in pursuance of the specified plan.
Formation of a centralized management structure, similar to the State Defense Committee of the USSR that operated during the Great Patriotic War, whose decisions must have the force of law and to which all authorities, including the Government and the Central Bank, backbone banks and corporations, and administrations of subjects of the federation, must obey. State banks and enterprises, large private corporations must be placed in a strict framework for the implementation of the decisions of this body. The export and import of strategically important goods should be controlled by the government in order to provide the Armed Forces and backbone enterprises with all the necessary resources. To do this, a procedure should be introduced for the formation of a state reserve through the obligatory sale to the government of a part of foreign exchange earnings at a fixed rate.
Subordination of macroeconomic policy, including its monetary component, to the goals of modernization and growth in the production of high-tech military and dual-use products. To do this, credit lines should be organized with a rate of no more than 2% per annum for borrowing enterprises that manufacture products under government orders and work under government programs.
Creation of reserves of strategic types of raw materials and materials necessary for the production of military products and ensuring the socio-economic security of the country with their acquisition at the expense of loans from the Bank of Russia, along with gold and currency values.
Renationalization of the Moscow Exchange. Restoring control over the ruble exchange rate. Protection of the monetary and financial system from speculative attacks based on standard market cooling measures, the introduction of licensing of capital and restrictions on non-trading operations, fixing the foreign exchange position of commercial banks. Introduction of a tax on the sale of currency and securities purchased less than a year ago. A radical increase in the effectiveness of currency control. Carrying out deoffshorization of the economy and stopping the unauthorized export of capital.
Termination of the use of rating agencies, audit, consulting and legal companies of unfriendly countries in the methods of monetary authorities, the work of government departments, banks and corporations. Replacing them with Russian organizations.
Deepening Eurasian economic integration as a set of economic regulation functions (to supplement them with foreign exchange, monetary, educational, scientific and technical policy).
Transition to national currencies in mutual trade and investment not only in the EAEU and the CIS, but also within the BRICS and SCO. Withdrawal of joint development institutions from the dollar zone. Expansion of payment systems and interbank information exchange systems independent from hostile countries to global dimensions.
The transition to the advanced development policy proposed by the Russian Academy of Sciences[28] will make it possible to double the output of the manufacturing industry and triple the output of mechanical engineering within five years. At the same time, the volume of output of military and dual-use products necessary for the modernization of the Armed Forces and replenishment of the fleet of equipment can double annually. With the lifting of restrictions on credit expansion artificially created by the Bank of Russia, imports of intermediate products become a bottleneck. To unravel it, it is necessary to stabilize the ruble exchange rate at a reasonable level corresponding to the price competitiveness of Russian export products and introduce centralized mechanisms for financing critical imports.

In the conditions of the economic war against Russia, it is important to achieve not only the transfer of exports of our goods to the Russian ruble, but also to speed up the “decoupling” of the reproduction of the Russian economy from Western pricing of domestic commodities by setting firm domestic prices for them and freezing tariffs for electricity and transportation for this year. To do this, introduce export duties on the export of exchange goods, which at the same time will make it possible to withdraw natural rent in the amount of up to 25 trillion rubles to the federal budget. rubles and eliminate market dependence on price fluctuations in global markets. It is necessary to move to a system of long-term own prices and assessments (setting the proportions of expanded reproduction), decoupling from Western exchanges, ratings, audits, etc., which in fact has already happened, but it is not enshrined in the regulatory system and the staffing of economic management bodies. Such a policy will lead to import substitution and the development of our own industry, the growth of citizens' incomes, and the sovereignization of the single economic space of the EAEU.

The proposed set of measures will make it possible not only to transfer the Russian economy to a regime of forced growth, but also to ensure long-term macroeconomic stability. The current surge in inflation is caused by a sharp depreciation of the ruble, provoked by the confusion of the Bank of Russia at the time of the arrest of its foreign exchange reserves, and is also a consequence of the inability of the antimonopoly service to counter the “ratchet effect”, according to which the devaluation of the national currency provokes traders to increase prices, while revaluation does not affect them. noticeable influence behavior. The only reliable way to curb inflation in the long term is scientific and technical progress, which allows reducing costs, improving quality and increasing the volume of output of goods while reducing the cost per unit of their useful effect. And to stimulate scientific and technological progress, a cheap long-term loan is needed,

We do not dwell here on the mobilization capabilities of the Russian Armed Forces, proceeding from the fact that an increase in the size of the army should be preceded by a corresponding increase in the production of weapons, ammunition, instruments, and equipment, without which soldiers turn into cannon fodder for an enemy armed to the teeth. The latter not only receives an unlimited supply of equipment and ammunition from NATO, but is also controlled by the Pentagon with the help of an artificial intelligence system that provides units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with accurate information about the movements of our troops from American satellites, gives guidance coordinates for strikes, as well as direct commands for combat operations to all commanders. To counter the numerically superior Ukrainian army, controlled directly by the Pentagon and supplied by all NATO countries,

Forecast of the further course of the world hybrid war

To predict further developments, it is necessary to analyze the strategy of the parties participating in the global hybrid war. As long as we remain the object of a reflexive control system, in which the coordinate system is set by Washington, and we only react to its initiatives, acting in accordance with the enemy's expectations, there is no need to talk about Russian strategy. While our army is fighting, the comprador oligarchy is trying to pay off American sanctions with camouflaged contributions to finance the Armed Forces of Ukraine and gifts to Zelensky. Officials and economic managers are busy with their routine affairs, most of the ruling elite is passively waiting for the completion of the NWO in the hope that "everything will resolve itself." Despite repeated explanations by the head of state about the irreversibility of the conflict with the West, a huge number of officials in the vertical of power are in a state of stupor, habitually imitating their activities and trying not to be exposed to personal sanctions. Assistance to our Armed Forces from patriotically oriented business circles and the flow of volunteers cannot compensate for the absence of a systemic defense and economic policy.

Washington confidently owns the strategic initiative in the West's relations with Russia, successfully achieving its goals. The delay in hostilities is entirely in line with his interests of drawing our country into a "second Afghanistan." The arrested Russian foreign exchange reserves make it possible to finance the expenses for the supply of arms to the Armed Forces of Ukraine for a long time, providing them to Ukraine on credit, which is planned to be repaid at our expense. Canada has already adopted a relevant law, the US Congress adopted a resolution calling on the State Department to declare Russia a sponsor of terrorism, which provides legal grounds for the confiscation of Russian property under the jurisdiction of NATO countries. At the same time, by manipulating our monetary authorities, Washington paralyzes our political will to retaliate.

Being objects of reflexive control, the monetary authorities do not respond to the seizure of our assets with a symmetrical seizure of the enemy's assets: they want to look decent in the eyes of world capital, caring not about Russia's national security, but about their image in Washington financial institutions. Could the USSR defeat Europe united by the German fascists if it continued to fulfill its obligations to supply raw materials and materials to Germany? As long as the enemy wages war against us at our expense, it will continue until our complete economic and moral exhaustion.

American strategists have no illusions about the ability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to defeat Russia. Their plan is different: to wear down the Russian Armed Forces, sow distrust in the authorities in society, undermine the authority of the head of state in the eyes of citizens who are quickly tired of the war, and create the prerequisites for destabilizing the socio-political situation by the presidential elections in 2024. American politicians do not hide the goal - to overthrow the legitimate government in Russia, organize a color revolution in Moscow, create chaos in the system of government and reanimate the separatist forces. The necessary platforms for this are already being created, such as a congress of American puppets playing the role of representatives of the peoples of Russia.

The US is not interested in a speedy completion of the NWO, also because it gives them political grounds for putting pressure on their European NATO allies. Washington uses this pressure to squeeze Russia out of Europe, which until this year was our leading trade and economic partner, which in 2021 accounted for 36% of the country's total foreign trade turnover. In Europe, there are the main assets not only of the Russian oligarchy, but also of the middle class, accumulated over 30 post-Soviet years of insane export of capital. It takes time for these assets to be confiscated and to replace Russian imports with American goods. Dragging out the war against Russia allows Washington to effectively solve these problems by declaring all disloyal politicians to be agents of the Kremlin.

Based on the foregoing, one should not expect attempts by the Armed Forces of Ukraine to reverse the course of the NMD by going over to the counteroffensive. Any serious success of the Armed Forces of Ukraine can lead to a transition to a mobilization policy in Russia. The mobilization of resources and population will allow Russia to achieve a qualitative superiority in military power and quickly defeat the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The mobilization will be accompanied by an adjustment of the goals of the NWO in terms of the complete liberation of not only Ukraine, but the entire world from American control. In order to substantiate it in public opinion, the authorities will have to transfer the NVO to martial law. And this will create among the population the expectation of the Patriotic War to a victorious end in the sense of the complete liberation of Ukraine from the Nazi puppets of Washington. Therefore, the latter does not want to give the Russian leadership cause for serious concern by keeping the Armed Forces of Ukraine in active defense mode.

At the same time, Zelensky can implement another, hidden, strategy, the possibility of which I wrote about immediately after he was elected president of Ukraine[29]. He then had a choice - either in accordance with the promises to voters to stop the war in the Donbass, make peace with Russia and return to the process of Eurasian integration, or sell the people of Ukraine in exchange for 30 pieces of silver to those who want to seize and develop its territory. The implementation of the second strategy involves clearing the territory of Ukraine and, especially, the Dnieper region from the Russian and Ukrainian population currently living there.

For example, I.Berkut[30], who is famous for his accurate predictions, writes about this strategy in a complementary tone. More than a decade ago, he tried to attract the attention of our influential people with a forecast of the Nazification of Ukraine in order to convince them to engage in a proactive policy of reunification with Ukraine, accurately predicting all the "points of no return." Convinced that decision-makers do not want to get out of the trap of reflexive control of the enemy, he harnessed himself to the implementation of an alternative scenario for the development of the territory of Ukraine by other chosen peoples. For its implementation, however, it is necessary to “cleanse” the Ukrainian territory from Ukrainian men who can resist the settlers who are looking for a new promised land. And especially the "svidomikh" Ukrainians, followers of Bandera, committed massacres of Jews in Nazi-occupied Ukraine. It is unlikely that Zelensky’s godfather, Kolomoisky, created national battalions so that the neo-Bandera people he raised would desecrate the Golden Rose he built with new crimes against the Jews and dig a new Babi Yar on the site of the New Jerusalem being built by his curators. Obviously, the mission of the Nazi battalions created by Kolomoisky was to “cleanse” the Ukrainian territory from the local Russian population, with the expectation that in the future they themselves would be “cleansed” by the Russian army. As part of this strategy, the death of Ukrainian servicemen in clashes with Russian troops is viewed by the Zelensky regime as the disposal of an undesirable socio-ethnic element. And the more Ukrainian men die in this suicidal war, the better for implementing this strategy. That is exactly what is happening at the moment. Western military experts call the military tactics used in Ukraine a meat grinder - like Verdun in the First World War, which claimed the lives of more than a million people.

In fact, the way the Armed Forces of Ukraine conduct military operations confirms that the real goal of Zelensky’s strategy is the destruction of the population of Ukraine. This explains his militant rhetoric - he ignites the patriotic feelings of the guys fooled by Nazi propaganda in order to dispose of them with Russian weapons, as employees of his apparatus say. And he is not embarrassed by the senseless sacrifices of forcibly mobilized Ukrainians going to certain death under machine guns. This also explains the tactics used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine as a “human shield” from the civilian population, which is also subject to disposal. As well as the systematic executions of military personnel who do not want to fight by Nazi detachments: Ukrainians who refuse to shed blood for the cause of Zelensky are subject to immediate disposal. Within the framework of this strategy, the shelling of residential areas of the settlements left by the Armed Forces of Ukraine becomes understandable from a military point of view - the more dead people, including children, the more effective the ethnic cleansing of the territory prepared by Zelensky for his customers. Not a victory over Russia, but a cleansing of the territory of Ukraine from Russians and Ukrainians is Zelensky's strategy. For every day of the war that claims the lives of thousands of his subjects, he receives a considerable bribe from his curators. In fact, he is the main enemy of the people of Ukraine, their gravedigger. And he will indeed wage war with Russia to the last Ukrainian. and clearing Ukrainian territory of Russians and Ukrainians is Zelenskiy's strategy. For every day of the war that claims the lives of thousands of his subjects, he receives a considerable bribe from his curators. In fact, he is the main enemy of the people of Ukraine, their gravedigger. And he will indeed wage war with Russia to the last Ukrainian. and clearing Ukrainian territory of Russians and Ukrainians is Zelenskiy's strategy. For every day of the war that claims the lives of thousands of his subjects, he receives a considerable bribe from his curators. In fact, he is the main enemy of the people of Ukraine, their gravedigger. And he will indeed wage war with Russia to the last Ukrainian.

So far, both of the above strategies are being implemented together. Until the Armed Forces run out of steam, Washington will supply them with weapons and send mercenaries. But as soon as the main grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donbas is crushed and the prospect of liberating Kyiv, Nikolaev and Odessa opens up for Russian troops, Washington will give Israel the opportunity to initiate peace negotiations.

It is no coincidence that the Israeli prime minister is consistently seeking a mandate to mediate between Moscow and Kyiv, but as long as the war continues to the last Ukrainian, he is not heard in Washington. But, as a senior Tel Aviv official recently stated, "Israel is always there." And Russia, being trapped in reflexive management, is also always ready to respond positively to external impulses. Moreover, the position of Israel will largely coincide with the goals of the NWO. The denazification of Ukraine, its cleansing from neo-Nazi Bandera, is undoubtedly in the interests of Israel and is a necessary condition for the implementation of Zelensky's hidden strategy described above. Demilitarization also fits into this project, which will require significant investment and building good relations with neighbors. And the federalization of Ukraine, which Russia has long insisted on, fits seamlessly into this strategy. It can be implemented in a denazified and demilitarized Ukraine by holding referendums in each of its regions with questions about language, religion, and education. In this case, Ukraine will become a confederation on the model of Bosnia and Herzegovina with external control headed by a Commissioner appointed by the UN Security Council without the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine and other republican law enforcement agencies.

For now, however, the Pentagon is pursuing its strategy of escalating the conflict by trying to draw European NATO countries into it. To do this, he shells the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. Anticipating the imminent defeat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Pentagon is trying to arrange a nuclear catastrophe on a European scale in order to accuse us of undermining the nuclear power plant we control, to send a NATO military contingent to Ukraine to protect nuclear facilities. The most rabid American agents of influence among European politicians are already calling for it. If this idea fails, thanks to the Russian air defense and the IAEA mission, provocations with biological and chemical weapons are planned in the plans of the Pentagon.

We do not consider the strategy of the European Union and European states due to their lack of foreign policy subjectivity. With rare exceptions, EU officials and politicians of European states obediently follow in Washington's wake. Poland and Hungary have their own views on the Ukrainian border regions, but they can tear them off only with the consent of Washington. It is possible that in the event of a Russian victory, in order to prevent us from liberating the entire territory of Ukraine, the US and NATO will agree to their annexation of Western Ukraine. But for such a scenario, the Russian leadership must seize the strategic initiative and cease to be an object of reflexive management.

The implementation of the American strategy of maintaining world domination is incompatible neither with the national interests of Russia, nor with the survival of human civilization. The ideology of posthumanism preached by the US ruling elite will mean the end of the history of human civilization. The war unleashed by Washington in Ukraine can quickly develop into a world war with the use of weapons of mass destruction. To preserve it, it is necessary to implement an alternative scenario that involves the transition to a new world economic order, which is seen as the only acceptable and logical one.

What to do

Understanding the objective patterns of the deployment of a world hybrid war and the subjective problems of our control system allows us to draw the following obvious conclusions and substantiate recommendations. Without getting out of the trap of reflexive control and finding your own strategy in the global hybrid war, victory in it is impossible. This strategy should include a clear definition of goals, justification of the tasks and ways to solve them, a plan of measures to achieve the planned results.

Given the threats to Russia's very existence from the United States and its NATO allies that started this war, the goal must be big enough to rally our peoples and others in the struggle for peace. Without exaggeration, anti-human forces stand behind the Armed Forces of Ukraine, directing the politicians of Western states along the path of dehumanizing their peoples. The destruction of the fundamental foundations of the reproduction of human society - the institution of the family, the natural self-identification of men and women, fathers and mothers, the distinction between good and evil, the imposition of sodomy and the cult of death - is the goal of the deep state of the United States, manipulating political parties and power structures of the Western world. Russia today is forced to take the brunt of these forces, striving for world domination to transform humanity into an AI-controlled herd of cyborgs who have lost all signs of their collective identity. In fact, Russia is forced to wage war for the salvation of Mankind. The goals of the JWO must be immersed in this global context. For this, the symbols of our Faith must be adopted. Our warriors understand this with their hearts, hoisting banners on their combat vehicles. Understanding the existential meaning of this war forced for us will make it sacred in the public consciousness not only of our country, but also of the vast majority of people all over the planet who want self-preservation. To substantiate our goals, we need to appeal to the meanings of the Spiritual culture of mankind as opposed to the dark forces of Nazism, racism and Satanism that move the political leadership of Western countries[31].

Such a goal setting is necessary both to unite our country, which is embarking on “a mortal battle with the dark fascist force,” and to create a broad international coalition supporting our struggle for the survival of mankind, including the conservative social forces of Western countries. The tasks that need to be solved in order to achieve Victory are set out below.

1. With regard to the already declared goals of denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine, the following clarification of the tasks is necessary.

1.1. Since the main Nazi and militarist of Ukraine is its werewolf president Zelensky, on whose orders the total mobilization of the population of Ukraine for murder takes place, it is against him and the officials appointed by him that appropriate charges should be brought, including war crimes against the civilian population and crimes against humanity, nuclear terrorism, the use of chemical weapons, the development of biological weapons. Ukrainian citizens, including military personnel, must be informed that the goal of the SVO is not to destroy them, but, on the contrary, to save them from the anti-people puppet regime that threatens their existence. The people's liberation movement in Ukraine for independence from the American-British occupation should be stimulated in every possible way.

1.2. There is an urgent need to publish criteria for recognizing Ukrainian servicemen by the composition of the crimes they commit with an amnesty for persons who did not make decisions that led to the killing of civilians. These criteria should be brought to the widest possible range of Ukrainian servicemen with a proposal to lay down their arms and stop resisting the Russian army. Ukrainian servicemen who surrender or go over to the side of the allied forces of Russia and the LDNR, who have not committed crimes against the civilian population and Russian prisoners of war, should promptly get the opportunity to naturalize in the territory controlled by Russia and reunite with their families.

1.3. The SBU should be declared a terrorist organization carrying out the genocide of the Russian population of Ukraine.

1.4. Based on the evidence of the leading role of the CIA, MI6 and the Pentagon in the formation and activities of the SBU and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the US and Britain should be declared sponsors of terrorism and accomplices in the genocide of the Russian population of Ukraine. The Pentagon, commanding the shelling of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, as well as the Armed Forces of Ukraine carrying out this shelling, should be accused of nuclear terrorism. The aims of the NMD must be complemented by protecting the Russian population of Ukraine from genocide by the US and British-sponsored Nazi regime, and Ukraine and Europe from nuclear terrorism.

2. Along with the NWO, it is necessary to determine the goals of Russia in the global hybrid war.

2.1. Protecting humanity from the dehumanization carried out by the political leadership of the United States and most other NATO countries.

2.2. Elimination of threats to the development and use of biological weapons, including coronaviruses, by the United States, whose intelligence agencies are engaged in this contrary to the 1975 International Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction.

2.3. An end to US and British interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states.

2.4. Termination of exploitation by issuing countries of world reserve currencies of the rest of the world through non-equivalent economic exchange and sanctions threats.

3. It is necessary to initiate in BRICS, the SCO and the EAEU an early transition to a new WCS based on the principles of mutual respect for national sovereignties, equality, mutual benefit and fairness in international relations, and strict observance of international law. Russia could initiate the creation of a coalition of countries interested in ending the global hybrid war and transitioning to a new architecture of international monetary and financial relations.

In order for such a coalition to acquire due influence, an ideological basis is needed for its formation as an integral economic and military-political entity. For this, it is necessary to restore the historical memory of the joint development of the peoples of Eurasia within the framework of the three world empires, which will make it possible to realize the fundamental nature of constructing the Greater Eurasian Partnership proposed by the President of Russia V.V. Putin with all the contours of reproduction necessary for sustainable development.

The ideology of Eurasian economic integration must comply with the modern paradigm of sustainable development and the principles of an integral world economic structure. Its political reproduction outline should be based on the norms of international law based on the sovereignty of all states uniting in a coalition, mutually beneficial and voluntary cooperation based on common interests in harmonious sustainable development. The economic contour should be flexible enough to take into account the diversity of economic systems of the coalition countries, leaving them the freedom to introduce any external economic restrictions to ensure their own sustainable development. It is designed to protect the members of the coalition from attempts to destabilize their economy from the outside, drawing it into an unequal financial exchange, and limiting technological development.

The Coalition for the Transition to the New World Economic Union is obliged to work out a positive program for a new arrangement of the world financial and economic architecture based on the principles of mutual benefit, justice and respect for national sovereignty. The coalition must eliminate the fundamental causes of the global crisis, among which the following are of the greatest importance:

- uncontrolled emission of world reserve currencies, leading to the abuse of monopoly position by issuers in their own interests at the cost of growing imbalances and destructive trends in the global financial and economic system;

— the inability of the existing mechanisms for regulating the operations of banking and other institutions to protect national financial systems from speculative attacks with the aim of destabilizing them, excessive risks of cross-border flow of speculative capital and the formation of financial "bubbles";

— the exhaustion of the limits of growth of the dominant technological order and the insufficiency of conditions for the formation of a new one, including the lack of investment for the widespread introduction of clusters of its basic technologies.

In the current situation, in order to create a coalition, Russia needs to act as a world leader in initiating the transition to a new global monetary and financial system. It should be based on an international agreement that provides for transparent rules for the issuance and circulation of a digital international settlement currency, backed by a basket of national currencies of the countries participating in this agreement and stocks of exchange goods produced in them (“commodity harness”). The mathematical model for constructing such a currency showed its high stability. In parallel, it is necessary to create a pricing mechanism in this currency, which requires the formation of its own exchange space, the concept of which is being developed by the Eurasian Economic Commission.

The participants in the formation of a new fair and transparent global monetary and financial system, along with such victims of American aggression as Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Afghanistan, can be the leading countries of the new world economic order: China, India, ASEAN countries. This initiative could be submitted to the next meeting of the SCO heads of state.

4. It is necessary to immediately start implementing the economic policy measures described above in order to move to the implementation of the strategy of accelerated development of Russia developed in the Russian Academy of Sciences. Without taking the above measures to mobilize all the resources available in the economy, victory over an adversary with an order of magnitude greater financial capabilities is impossible.

Finally, it is necessary to urgently complete the protracted process of forming a state ideology that corresponds to traditional moral values ​​and the laws of socio-economic, scientific and technological development. It should be based on the concept of a socially conservative synthesis that combines the values ​​of social justice and the axiology of the great world religions. For the Russian world, the natural basis of such an ideology is Orthodox socialism. This ideology should not only be declared, but also practically confirmed in the mechanisms of regulation of socio-economic reproduction: in the progressive taxation of income and property, universal social rights and guarantees, labor relations, business ethics, processes of participation of workers in the management of enterprises, citizens in local and state government. The concept of public ownership of God-given natural resources, infrastructure facilities built by the whole country must be restored. It is necessary to nationalize illegally privatized or placed under the control of the enemy infrastructure facilities and strategic monopoly enterprises, including our hydroelectric power plants alienated in favor of the US Treasury. The export of capital should be stopped - not encouraging speculation, but stimulating creative activity should be the goal of the state regulator. The activities of the state media should be subordinated to this ideology. It is necessary to nationalize illegally privatized or placed under the control of the enemy infrastructure facilities and strategic monopoly enterprises, including our hydroelectric power plants alienated in favor of the US Treasury. The export of capital should be stopped - not encouraging speculation, but stimulating creative activity should be the goal of the state regulator. The activities of the state media should be subordinated to this ideology. It is necessary to nationalize illegally privatized or placed under the control of the enemy infrastructure facilities and strategic monopoly enterprises, including our hydroelectric power plants alienated in favor of the US Treasury. The export of capital should be stopped - not encouraging speculation, but stimulating creative activity should be the goal of the state regulator. The activities of the state media should be subordinated to this ideology.

The ideology of social-conservative synthesis, as well as the above measures of mobilizing resources and managing the development of the economy are fully consistent with the principles of functioning of the new - integral - world economic order. It is based on a combination of centralized strategic planning and market competition mechanisms; encouragement of private initiative and state control over monetary circulation; harmonization of the activities of all social groups based on the criterion of increasing public welfare. In combination with the above-mentioned strategy of advanced development based on a new technological order, it will ensure Russia's exit from the vicious circle of reflexive management to the trajectory of sustainable development at the core of the new center of the world economy. This requires victory.

In conclusion, it should be recalled that in the current world hybrid war, the front lines do not pass through the territories, but in the public consciousness and institutions for managing the reproduction of the economy. They must not function under enemy control. There is a need for a transition to a sovereign monetary policy, the creation of an integral system of expanded economic reproduction based on a new technological order. And this requires the cleansing of the state apparatus of corrupt and incompetent personnel, not to mention the agents of influence of the enemy. The entire public administration system should be tuned to improve public welfare and ensure national security, and have mechanisms for personal responsibility of persons in authority for the results of their activities to achieve these goals.

And the last. In the conditions of monstrous social inequality, systemic corruption and total irresponsibility, it is difficult to expect the patriotic impulse necessary for the Victory in the World War, trust in the government and confidence in its pursuit of the declared lofty goals. Servicemen need to clearly understand that they are fighting for the Motherland, which loves them, appreciates and protects their families and values. Citizens must be sure that the state is really social and guarantees their right to a decent life, and does not express the interests of the comprador oligarchy. We need deoligarchization of Russia. The program “Social Justice and Economic Growth”, long promoted by the people's patriotic forces, must be implemented[32].

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