package Approximations;

import java.lang.Math;
import java.awt.*; //Only for graphics test.

import Globals.*;

//Integer approximations of functions sin and cos.
//Can be used in graphics.
public class ICos{

   public static final int argMax  = 1024; //Debug: 4;
   public static final int argMax4 = argMax * 4;
   public static final int sinMax  = 1024;
   public static final int sinMax2 = sinMax * 2;
   public static final double PI2  = Math.PI /2.;
   public static       int[] sinI  = new int[ argMax4 + 1 ];
   public static       int[] cosI  = new int[ argMax4 + 1 ];

   public static final double wStep = PI2 / argMax;

   public static final int argMax2     = argMax * 2;
   public static final int argMax3     = argMax * 3;

   public static void generate() {
          double arg=0;
          for( int i=0; i<=argMax; i++  ) {
               int w = (int) ( sinMax * Math.sin(arg) );
               //GS.con("i=" + i + " w=" + w + " arg=" + arg );
               sinI[        i] =  w;
               sinI[argMax2-i] =  w;
               sinI[argMax2+i] = -w;
               sinI[argMax4-i] = -w;
               cosI[argMax -i] =  w;
               cosI[argMax +i] = -w;
               cosI[argMax3-i] = -w;
               cosI[argMax3+i] =  w;
               arg += wStep;
   } //generate()

   //Draw graphs. Only for test:
   public static void drawTest( Graphics g, int height) {
        g.setColor(new Color( (100<<16) | (100<<8) ) );
        int i1=0, j1=0, k1=0;
        for( int i=0; i<=ICos.argMax4; i++ ) {
             int j = (ICos.sinMax-ICos.sinI[i]) * height / ICos.sinMax2;
             int k = (ICos.sinMax-ICos.cosI[i]) * height / ICos.sinMax2;
             if( i > 0 ) {
                 g.drawLine( i, j, i1, j1 );   
                 g.drawLine( i, k, i1, k1 );   
             k1 = k;
             i1 = i;
             j1 = j;

} // class